In Honor of Saint Paul

Pubblicato in Preghiera missionaria

A Prayer From the Coptic Liturgy

O God of knowledge and giver of wisdom, who bringest to light the hidden things of darkness, and givest the word unto them that preach the gospel with great power, who of Thy goodness didst call Paul, who was sometime a persecutor, to be a chosen vessel, and wast pleased in him, that he should become a chosen apostle and preacher of the gospel of Thy kingdom, O Christ our God. Thee also do we now entreat, O Thou good and that lovest man. Graciously grant unto us and unto all Thy people a mind without wandering and a clear understanding, that we may learn and understand how profitable are Thy holy teachings, which are now come unto us by him; and even as he was made like unto Thee, the leader unto life, so make us to be like unto him in deed and doctrine, that we may glorify Thy holy Name and ever glory in Thy Cross. And Thou art He unto whom we ascribe praise and glory and worship, the Father and the Son and the Holy Ghost, now and ever and unto the ages of all ages. Amen.

To Saint Paul for Perseverance

O glorious Saint Paul, who, from being a persecutor of the Christian name, didst become its most zealous Apostle, and who, to carry the knowledge of Jesus, our divine Saviour, to the uttermost parts of the earth, didst joyfully suffer prison, scourgings, stonings, shipwreck, and all manner of persecutions, and who didst finish thy course by shedding the last drop of thy blood: obtain for us the grace to accept, as favors bestowed by the mercy of God, the infirmities, sufferings, and misfortunes of this life, that we may not grow slack in our service of God by reason of these vicissitudes of our exile, but that we may the rather show ourselves ever more devoted. Amen.

V. Pray for us, Saint Paul the Apostle.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Let us pray.

O God, who hast caught the multitude of the Gentiles by the preaching of blessed Paul the Apostle: grant unto us, we beseech Thee, that we who keep his memory sacred, may feel the might of his intercession before Thee. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Litany of Saint Paul the Apostle

Lord have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord have mercy.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, Pray for us.
Queen conceived without original sin, Pray for us.
Saint Paul, Pray for us.
Apostle of the Gentiles, Pray for us.
Vessel of Election, Pray for us.
St. Paul, who wast rapt to the third heaven, Pray for us.
St. Paul, who heard things not given to man to utter, Pray for us.
St. Paul, who knew nothing but Christ, and Him crucified, Pray for us.
St. Paul, whose love for Christ was stronger than death, Pray for us.
St. Paul, who wished to be dissolved and be with Christ, Pray for us.
St. Paul, whose zeal knew no bounds, Pray for us.
St. Paul, who made thyself all to all, to gain all to Christ, Pray for us.
St. Paul, who called thyself prisoner of Christ for us, Pray for us.
St. Paul, who wast jealous of us, with the jealousy of God, Pray for us.
St. Paul, who glories only in the Cross of Christ, Pray for us.
St. Paul, who bore in thy body the mortification of Christ, Pray for us.
St. Paul, who exclaimed: With Christ I am nailed to the cross! Pray for us.
St. Paul, that we may awake and sin no more, Pray for us.
That we may not receive the grace of God in vain, Pray for us.
That we may walk in newness of life, Pray for us.
That we may work out our salvation with fear and trembling, Pray for us.
That we may put on the armor of God, Pray for us.
That we may stand against the deceits of the wicked one, Pray for us.
That we may stand fast to the last, Pray for us.
That we may press forward to the mark, Pray for us.
That we may win the crown, Pray for us.

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world:
Have mercy on us.

Let us pray. O God, Who hast taught the whole world by the preaching of blessed Paul the Apostle: grant that we, who celebrate his memory, may by following his example be drawn unto Thee. Through Our Lord Jesus Christ Thy Son, Who with Thee livest and reignest in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world without end. R. Amen.

To Obtain Patience:

Glorious St. Paul, from a persecutor of Christianity, you became a very ardent and zealous apostle and suffered imprisonment, scourging, stoning, shipwreck and endured persecutions of every kind in order to make the Savior Jesus Christ known to the farthest bounds of the world. In the end you shed your blood to the last drop. Obtain for us the grace to accept the infirmities, afflictions and misfortunes of the present life as favors of the divine mercy, so that the hardships of our life of exile may not make us grow cold in the service of God, but may make us every more faithful and more fervent. Amen. (Blessed James Alberione)

For Our Nation:

St. Paul, watch over with love, this nation and its people. Your heart expanded so as to welcome and enfold all peoples in the loving embrace of peace.

Now, from heaven, may the charity of Christ urge you to enlighten everyone with the light of the Gospel, and to establish the kingdom of love.

May his nation find in Christ the Way and the Truth and the Life. May its light shine before the world, and may it always seek the kingdom of God and his justice.

Holy Apostle, enlighten, comfort and bless us all. Amen. (Blessed James Alberione)

Prayer to Follow One's Vocation:

St. Paul, you traveled the world, never quite knowing where the Spirit would lead you next. You journeyed in faith and accepted beatings, imprisonment, shipwreck, and ultimately execution because of your faith in Jesus Christ.

Help me to accept the great adventure of leading a life faithful to the words of Jesus my Master, the Way, the Truth and the Life. May I ask myself, “Where does God want me to go today?” On the journey, may I love in the way you taught the Corinthians (1 Cor. 13), and be willing to endure all things for the sake of the Gospel.

Pray with me, that I may heed the voice of the One who called you on the road to Damascus, and set you on the path that leads to life. Amen. (Fr. Jeffrey Mickler, SSP)

Creed of Those Who Are Called
based on the Letters of St. Paul:

We believe that God chose us in him before the world began, to be holy and blameless in his sight.
We believe that those whom he foreknew he predestined to share the image of his Son.
We believe that God who had set us apart before we were born and called us by his favour chose to reveal his Son to us, that we might spread among all people the good tidings concerning him.
We believe that God has saved us and has called us to a holy life, not because of any merit of ours, but according to his own design – the grace held out to us in Christ Jesus before the world began.
We believe that Christ Jesus has judged us faithful and worthy by calling us to his service.
We believe that we are apostles by vocation, servants of Christ Jesus set apart to announce the Gospel of God.
Considering our vocation, we believe that God chose the weak of this world to shame the strong, so that our faith would not rest on human wisdom but on the power of God.
We believe that to each one God has given the manifestation of the Spirit for the common good.
We believe that we must live a life worthy of the calling which we have received, with perfect humility, meekness, and patience, seeking to grow in all things toward him.
We believe that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who have been called according to his decree.
We believe in him whose power now at work in us can do immeasurably more that we ask or imagine.
We believe that he who as begun the good work in us will carry it through to completion, right up to the day of Christ Jesus, because he who calls us is faithful.

Chaplet to St. Paul:

1.I bless you, Jesus, for the great mercy granted to St. Paul in changing him from a bold persecutor to an ardent apostle of the Church. And you, great saint, obtain for me a heart docile to grace, conversion from my faults and total configuration with Jesus Christ.
St. Paul the Apostle, pray for us.

2.I bless you, Jesus, for having elected the Apostle Paul as a model and preacher of holy chastity. And you, St. Paul, my dear Father, guard my mind, my heart, and my senses, in order that I may know, love, and serve Jesus, and employ all my energies for his glory.
St. Paul the Apostle, pray for us.

3.I bless you, Jesus, for having given through St. Paul examples and teachings of perfect obedience. And you, great saint, obtain for me a humble docility, for I am sure that in obedience I shall be victorious over my enemies.
St. Paul the Apostle, pray for us.

4.I bless you, Jesus, for having taught me, by the deeds and by the words of St. Paul, the true spirit of poverty. And you, great saint, obtain for me the evangelical spirit of poverty, so that after having imitated you in life, I may be your companion in heavenly glory.
St. Paul the Apostle, pray for us.

5.I bless you, Jesus, for having given to St. Paul a heart so full of love for God and for the Church, and for having saved so many souls through his zeal. And you, our friend, obtain for me an ardent desire to proclaim the Gospel through my life, my prayer, my example, my words and deeds, so that I may merit the reward promised to good apostles.
St. Paul the Apostle, pray for us.

(Adapted from a prayer by Blessed James Alberione)
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:07

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