Remembering Fr. Carlos Domingos in South Africa

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono

Like somebody else, when the sad news of Fr Carlos Domingos Matias death reached, I had mixed reactions: speechless, anger, asking God why the death of Carlos Domingos Matias at this point in time, and why such tragic death of a young and zealous missionary? I tried to conform myself and to surrender this particular fact to God’s will; I found myself raising more question than answers. Then, I thought to just be grateful for the gift of this young missionary. A gift from God to his biological family first of all; a gift to consolata missionaries; a gift to Africa, in especial way to South Africa.

I am sure that there are many people (religious men and women, diocesan clergy, lay people, youth) out there that are in a better position in sharing some thoughts because they have experienced ‘quality time’ with this young missionary, Carlos Domingos Matias.

I came in the delegation of South Africa on 2nd January 2004; The agreement between the region of Mozambique and the delegation of South Africa was that, Fr Manuel Tavares would accompany me from Maputo to Lomahasha (Swaziland), 100 kms about, and someone from the delegation of South Africa would come and he would fetch me; Fr Carlos Domingos Matias, driving 1400 Nissan pick-up, (in South Africa known as bakkie), belonging to Dundee Diocese (Madadeni Mission) came to Lomahasha (Swaziland) to fetch me. I thank you Fr Carlos Domingos Matias for your availability. By that time, we did not know that some years to come, consolata missionaries will be present in Swaziland. I thank you, Carlos Domingos, because in that trip from Lomahasha to Damesfontein in South Africa where we were heading to,  you made sure that I was confortable, telling me the history of South Africa, the cultural and religious values of the rainbow country, the language of the people where consolata missionaries are serving…I thank you for that, because you understood my fears and cultural impact, as I was stepping in the country for the first time, and only 3 months after my priestly ordination...You replaced my fears with the beauty and missionary enthusiasm…Today, 2nd January 2016, 12 years later, you departed from this world to the heavenly place. Hamba kahle, big pig, sizobonana kwelizayo

I put myself in the shoes of the youth of Dundee diocese, particularly Newcastle deanery. The hard work they have seen in you; the missionary zeal; the enthusiasm and the love for the people…together with them all, WE THANK YOU; as a matter of fact, you animated and motivated young men and women to join priesthood and religious life…together with them all, WE THANK YOU.

WE THANK YOU for taking care of spiritual ‘maintenance’ of the people of God. WE THANK YOU for taking care of physical churches, creches, churches properties…

At certain moment, you understood that at Madadeni area there was a great need of a biblical study together with pastors from other churches and denomination. You were one of the architecture of that initiative which was materialized with success. WE THANK YOU for that.

…and the Baptism certificate program that you created for the use in Dundee diocese? WE THANK YOU…The catholic homilies in zulu language, that you collected and compiled, and you made available for the newly arrived confreres in the delegation, while they are struggling to understand and to be understood in their preaching ministry… THANK YOU VERY MUCH

Needless to mention about the dedication and  quality service you gave in the delegation of South Africa. WE THANK YOU…

Now that the ‘bigpig’ met the ‘smallpig’ at the heavenly banquet, you continue the dialogues and  discussions in zulu. Hamba kahle umfowethu.



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