Work: a necessity for Mission

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}It is interesting to hear how different people understand the term work to mean. Many people seem to take work more as a punishment than a necessity in life. What we fail to see is that even before the fall of man, God had ordained that man should work.  As far as we know man was supposed to rule the world and to have dominion over creation (Gen 1:28), to cultivate the garden (Gen 2:15) and to name the animals (Gen 2:19).  It is clear that those who despise working, take work for a curse. They argue that hard work began when man was sent out of the garden of Eden, and commanded to line on his sweat. (Gen. 3:19)

For us as Christians we know that work is not only a duty, but also a honour, since it was sanctified by the God, who worked in creating whatever exist. The Holy family also had to work for its survival and as a good example for us.  We would expect that God should have made life easy for the holy family, because his son was born and brought up in it. On the contrary, Jesus worked with Joseph at the humble job of carpentry, until he was thirty years old. Joseph had to struggle like other men to provide for family, and in fact his struggle was greater, because his family was under threat of the rulers of the time. Even the Blessed Virgin Mary did not spend her life on her knees praying. She, as a mother, had to perform the motherly duties in her family like all women, and assist in various activities in her locality, as a good neighbour.

When Jesus started his ministry, he did not call idlers to be his apostles, but men who had occupations regardless of how low ( humble) their jobs were – we know they fishermen (Matt. 4 : 18 – 22). In his teaching, Jesus used examples that touched the daily activities of the people. Most parables had something to do with farming (Matt. 13: 24-30 and Matt. 13: 3 – 23), building or even trade (Lk.19:11 – 18). His activities also had something to do with the daily duties of the people (Matt.21: 12, 13). In this way, Christ showed that work is not a punishment, but a participation in the work of creation of God.

It was due the same idea that Christ did not want to disrupt the good work women were doing in serving and providing for  him and his apostles  (Lk. 8 : 1 – 3), by calling any to be an apostle. Having been taught by the best master, that is Christ, the apostle and later the missionaries decided to avoid being burdens to the people they were to preach to. They chose to work for their own existence. A good example of these is St. Paul, who was a tent maker, in addition to being the missionary he was (1 Cor. 4: 12). The man rebuked those who did not want to work, and he in fact advised the Christians not to give such people food (2 Thes. 3: 7 – 12).

Today, the medical practitioners inform us that our bodies need exercises, if we want to live healthy lives. Even the brain like any other body muscle needs exercise, which can only be obtained through rigorous thinking. Since therefore work is one way of exercising our bodies, it is important that all of us work, even those who would not want to work for any other reason. We, the Consolata missionaries, known for emphasizing grace through action (evangelization through human promotion) should strife to show people the importance of work in the work. It is on this ground that I tried to think what Our Founder Blessed Joseph Allamano would say if he was to give us a conference about the importance of work. The following points would not miss in his presentation:

Importance of Manual Work

(a) Social aspectsharing with the poor

Through work (particularly manual work), we take part in the lot of the poor who have to struggle for their daily bread in tears and sweat. As such, work becomes a kind of solidarity with the down trodden. This is in conformity to the characteristic of our institute of being both Ad Gentes and  Ad Pauperes

(b) Economic aspectrunning the missions

All people work for their well-being. For us missionaries, work helps us to maintain the activities of the missions.

(c) Existential aspectown maintenance

If the IMC society has to run given projects (activities mentioned above), then it has to be stable itself because we cannot lift others if we are disabled ourselves. Work enables the society (and particularly each community) to continue running and if possible to become self-reliant.

(d) Theological aspects

it is a duty

Work proceeds from persons created in the image of God, and called to prolong the work of creation by subduing the earth, with and for one another. As such, work becomes a duty from God (the Father).

- It is redemptive

Work honours the creator’s gift and the talents received from him. By enduring the hardship of work, man collaborates in a certain way with the Son of God who had to be a carpenter for sometime, but also who had to criss-cross Palestine preaching the kingdom of God for the salvation of humanity.

- Sanctification

God continues to animate and sanctify the realities of each generation through the spirit of truth. Man through the power of the same spirit continues to solve challenges of reality through work. In this way, work becomes a means of animating and sanctifying earthly realities.
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 20:47

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