Kenya: Maurice Card. Otunga's process for beatification, to begin soon?

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}The rumor has been going on in Nairobi for months: but now it seems that it may become reality. In fact yesterday, September 2, 2006, the personal secretary of the late Cardinal Otunga, Fr. Lawrence Njoroge, announced to the media that this coming Wednesday an official letter will be issued by the Archdiocese of Nairobi requesting the Holy See “for approval to start Card. Otunga’s beatification process earlier than the period specified in Canon Law”. Moreover today, September 3, all parishes of the Archdiocese of Nairobi are celebrating the Cardinal’s memorial Sunday, in preparation for the third anniversary of his death, which occurs Wednesday September 6. According to a report on the Daily Nation, the Archbishop of Nairobi Ndingi mwana a’Nzeki may have already written to the Vatican an exploratory petition with the intent of exploring informally the possibility of an earlier start of the process of Beatification of the late Card. Otunga, and Wednesday he may officially share with the Catholic Church and the Country the response of the Vatican and begin officially the process.

In Bungoma where the Cardinal was born, in Kisii and Nairobi where he was the Ordinary, people have begun to write personal and communal testimonies of the Cardinal’s holy life, of his extraordinary gifts and virtues. Collection boxes have been distributed in the three Dioceses and the people have already written innumerable testimonies, pointing to the holiness of the Cardinal. One of the places where a collection box is placed, is the Consolata Shrine in Nairobi, run by our missionaries. The Pastor, Fr. Marino Gemma, in an interview with the journalists, has confirmed that many parishioners have deposited their testimonies in the box and he himself has “already submitted the first batch of testimonies to Archbishop Ndingi, during the first phase of the process”. Fr. Marino strongly recommends that all the people who knew personally the Cardinal, or had special work and/or life relationship with him, “submit testimonies about them” to be used in the process of beatification.

The place where the people’s devotion to the Caradinal is expressed in ways which touch the hearts of the pilgrims, is the Resurrection Garden, a magnificent Holy Shrine built by our Fr Ottavio Santoro, who is presently its Rector. On the grounds of the Shrine, at the request of the Archdiocese, Fr. Santoro has also built a Mausoleum where the remains of Cardinal Otunga rest. I contacted Fr. Santoro who gave me very precious information about the veneration of so many pilgrims. In fact in the Mausoleum of Card. Otunga there is a collection box for petitions, for the requests of graces, and for thanksgiving for favors received by the pilgrims who visit it. Fr. Santoro, who was one of the closest cooperators of the Cardinal, and presently is on the committee for the advancement of the process of his beatification, always nurtured a great admiration for him, and now he is one of the most convinced promoters of his holiness. Santoro said that the Mausoleum is visited by many pilgrims, (this year about 100.000 have paid tribute to the remains of Cardinal Otunga), and he hopes that one day soon, it will become the pilgrims’ place for all those who admired Cardinal Otunga while he was on this earth, and will venerate him after the Church’s declaration of his heroic virtues and holy life.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29
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