Sud Africa: We have received grace upon grace!

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}Damesfontein Catholic Church is located in Mpumalanga Province. It belongs to Ermelo deanery in the Diocese of Dundee. Damesfontein is surrounded by beautiful forests and rocks. It is an amazing place to admire, and it gives an inner peace to everyone. Due to its quietness and simplicity it has become a spiritual place where people thirsting for God can find meaning in their lives and a deeper faith. In fact, quite often, individuals have arrived to pray or to express their gratefulness because of the graces received during the day. “We feel that God has been good to us today. We do acknowledge his goodness. Therefore we have come to pray, a sort of thanksgiving, because from his goodness we have received grace upon grace” - they say.

It is not only single individuals who feel the need for praying. At Damesfontein different groups have gathered for retreats or for meetings. Some come just for a day of recollection, others for a weekend, i.e. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For instance, during the month of June, Damesfontein has showed itself to be a suitable place for praying: On the 10th the Children of Mary (Abantwana bakaMaria) from the Parish came to evaluate and renew their commitment. They asked themselves how they have lived the month of May, as the month of Rosary, and then they have planned for the near future, up to October. A few days later, from the 16th to the 18 members of the Sacred Heart sodality from Ermelo deanery came for their annual retreat. The retreat coincided with the celebration of the solemnity of Corpus Christi, therefore the topic was about the presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. In fact, the participants had moments of personal and community adoration characterized by silence and worship.

{mosimage} On the 18th and 19th was the turn of the Consolata Missionaries to come and bid farewell to Fr Cassiano and celebrate the feast of Our Lady Consolata. Although the weather was rather cold, as usual, the warmth of being together as brothers produced a lively atmosphere. Afterwards, from the 23rd to 25th, a huge number of amadodakazi also from the deanery gathered to discuss their issues and deepen their faith, so that they may serve better and be a visible sign in their communities. A point that impresses us at Damesfontein is the fact that all groups ask for confession. They feel the need to repair their broken lives and to turn back to God, above all, and to go back to their communities relieved and renewed.

Therefore, a simple question arises: is this not a sign of mature faith? Is this not a desire for a better life, spiritually speaking, or a desire to improve the quality of their faith? On top of this, these events happen at the moment that we, Consolata missionaries, celebrate the month of our Lady Consolata. May she intercede for us all so that the Lord may shower his grace upon us so that we may serve better all the people searching to satisfy their spiritual needs at Damesfontein.

Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 20:51

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