Ethiopia: A time to do something special

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
Dear Friends of the Consolata Missionaries,

{mosimage} Best wishes of Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you all from the Consolata Missionaries Priests, Brothers and Sisters working in Ethiopia, East Africa.

We take the opportunity of the Christmas Season to send you some news and information about our missionary work, inviting you to join us in our effort of Evangelization among the people of Ethiopia. As you know, the purpose of our presence in Ethiopia as missionaries is to help the people to transform their life through the preaching of the Good News of Jesus Christ.

However, due to the conditions of poverty in the Country, we cannot simply do that only by words. We must accompany the Message with works of charity, that is: Evangelization and human promotion, exactly as Jesus did. For this reason, together with the usual activities of establishing Christian communities, we are involved is a network of human promotion and development projects as an integral part of our missionary endeavor. Without that, our presence in Ethiopia would be irrelevant and the command of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all peoples meaningless.

That is the reason why, since the beginning, along with Catechumenates, we have established a network of Schools, Kindergartens. Homes for handicapped. Clinics, a Rural Hospital. Women Promotion Centers, Water and Agricultural Schemes in all our mission centers, getting local people involved. All these projects, whose beneficiaries are the poorest among the poor of the most remote areas of the Country, very much contribute to the up-lifting of the people we are helping to a better human level in the name of Jesus who, at Christmas, became a human being like us to affirm the dignity of all peoples of every race. Moreover, these same projects become a clear and unmistakable witness of the love of God.

Obviously, the budget to operate them is high, so much so that the financial burden can only be sustained by a shared effort of mission minded people like you, who take seriously the missionary mandate of Christ to preach the Good News to the whole world. Needless to say, the local people are not in a position to give any significant contribution and we must rely on the help coming from overseas. Our message is clear: Christmas is a time when we all feel to do something special for our friends and for our dear ones, but also for those who are in need of our help, to make this Season joyful for all. Would you like to join us?

I take this opportunity to thank those of you who are already generously supporting our projects and once again I renew our best wishes for a Happy Christinas Season to you all in the name of the Consolata Missionaries operating in Ethiopia, assuring you all of our prayer.

Gratefully Yours.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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