Kenya: Allamano Youth Day 2007

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}The youth from Karuri, Gachie, Riruta, Consolata Shirine, Githurai, Kahawa West, Parish and Flora Hostel had yet again the privilege to celebrate the annual Allamano Youth day on the 10th February 2007.

Great occasion it was. The theme of reflection this year was “Challenges of Goal setting in a Global Society”. The reflection was guided by Fr. Kamugisha a doctorate student at the Catholic University of Eastern Africa.

The day started with songs form the different youth groups and then the opening liturgy was done by the Consolata Propeadeutic students. This was followed by the explanation of the logo – that was printed on the T-Shirts that were printed for the day.

The Logo
Blessed Allamano shows the way to holiness which includes the dimension of the Cross and leads us to experience God who is light, joy and fullness of life. In the background are two great hands reaching upwards – they represent all of us, his spiritual sons committed to pursue the sanctity our Founder proposes: “The missions require great sanctity.” The difference in shading of the two hands outlines a chalice, representing the gift of his life that a missionary makes to God and to his brothers, the fundamental pre-condition for pursuing holiness. The burst of light above the chalice assumes the shape of a Sacred Host: the Eucharist is the nourishment that energizes our pursuit of holiness.

Challenges of Goal setting in a Global setting
This was the main theme of the day. I will give some highlights of the presentation.

{mosimage} Who are the youth? There are several definitions that have been given on who are the Youth. The common definition is that youth is a period of life between eighteen to thirty-five years. It is the state of being young. It is the stage of adventure and learning. It is a stage where all pass. It has its’ joys and sad moments.

What are challenges? - “Changa moto in Kiswahili” this is a situation – which needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done successfully. It will require determination and it’s a test of someone’s ability.

What is Global and globalization? – the Kiswahili translation for globalization is “utandawazi” – because it has a lot of side effects it maybe fitting to translate it as “utanda-wizi” – “open robbery – daylight robbery”

Global is relating to the whole world, while globalization is often used to mean the movement of information, goods and people, cultures (good and services) around the world – especially the big companies, multinationals. This is a movement so strong that services and goods, or social and cultural influences are gradually becoming similar in all parts of the world. Examples are the youth culture, the common phrase global village.

It is a fact that the events and lifestyle in on part of the world can no longer be looked at in isolation for the rest of the world. Look at the effects of terrorism, global warming, and wars (like in Iraq and the Middle East, Afghanistan, Ivory Coast or Northern Uganda). With globalism we begin to consider the effects of actions or events in one corner of the world as it was our own.

Globalization has both positive and negative sides. Information, values (democracy, human rights, transparency to mention but a few – have become household words today thanks to globalization), economic growth (efficiency and progress) these are just some positive aspects of globalization. The negative side includes; the erosion of indigenous cultural values, exploitation (raw material and human labor) and the imbalances in trade. Globalization is creating another empire, another power base – the losers are many and the beneficiaries are few. Dependency is growing faster that one can imagine and many are lost in the maze of life.

There’re many challenges that the young people – youth must face while making choices today. The list of challenges can be long but we can outline some – consumerism, Pentecostalism, violence and sex, HIV& AIDS, limited job opportunities, modern slavery ( the trafficking of women and Children) etc.

{mosimage} In the face of all the challenges that the youth must face, they will have to rise up to the occasion – they need to be aware of the current trends (trend of economics, politics, education and mass media) in the world – information is power. The young people must start working for a new world order – “another world is possible” (World Social Forum 2007 - Nairobi) a new culture a culture that will ensure their survival and prosperity. A new culture that will cut across cultures and races thus ensuring equal opportunities for all - male and female, black or white. Standing as spectators will not be the solution. The youth must be actors of change today and now.
The other important way to face the challenges is to educate the senses – what do you see and consume – what is essential information and what is not. Remember the marketing slogan of Nakumatt (a chain store in Kenya) “You need it we got it” – what do you need? – is the need created or real? The marketing game is that you buy and buy – not so much because you need but because their profits grow.
Lastly the youth will have to start learning how to manage their time. In a world that is moving fast and changing day in day out – time will be a crucial value and raw material.


After a stimulating presentation on the theme of the day and question session, the youth were then asked to break into small groups. The groups were for workshops and discussions on topics related to the general theme. The topics were:
  • Youth and Education
  • Youth and the Eucharist
  • Youth and Mass Media – Possibilities
  • Youth and Sexuality ( human development)
  • Relationships: Youth and Parents – A Challenge
  • Youth and Vocation Crisis
  • Youth in the Face of Unemployment
There was one of the youth in each workshop that was to lead the sharing and discussions. All the participants had the freedom to choose the workshop they wished to attend. The workshops ran for about fifty minutes.
Each workshop had a secretary who was to put down in writing all the proceedings. Because of time factor there was no formal presentation of what each group did – it was decided that the reports from each group be collected and one publication of the Allamano Youth Day be made.

Competitions and Mass
{mosimage} There was a lunch break that was followed by preparation of the different presentation by the various parishes to the whole group. One of the presentations for each group was based on the workshop themes above and the other was own composition if you will.
To start the competitions off was a brief presentation about Bl. Joseph Allamano by a student for Allamano house and then some introduction of the Allamano Youth Movement by a youth from Kisumu (a college student in Uganda).

The best overall in the competition was Githurai parish youth – they were awarded with a trophy.

Immediately after the competitions we had the memorial mass of Bl. Joseph Allamano presided over by Fr. Mathew Ouma, imc. (General Councilor) accompanied by Fr. Antonio, imc.(visiting General Councilor), Fr. Pendawazima, Fr. Francis Orawo (Kahawa Parish), and Fr. Maurice Awiti ( MVA-Kenya).

This year’s Allamano feast (Allamano Youth Day) saw about 180 plus youth turn up for this annual event. For the organizers and the participants this was a great moment of living the spirit of family and striving for sanctity.

Thanks to all the groups & parishes, our collaborators (Little Servants of the Sacred Heart sisters, and sisters of Mary Immaculate) Consolata Sisters, Allamano House community and the Missionary & Vocation Animation office. Remember – “Mission demands great holiness”
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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