Maria Consolata, Our Model of the Missionary beyond the third Millennium

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}We focus and analyse some characteristics of Mary that could inspire us, on our pastoral methodology and spirituality as we celebrate this feast of our family.

Mary, Observant Missionary

Mary is very keen, and during the wedding at Cana, when wine lacks, she is the first to notice. She does not pack and leave, not stay quiet, but acts to save the situation. She is not indifferent. She is the True Model of Consolation. Mary gives us the force to move each moment to offer forgiveness, reconciliation, joy and peace to the afflicted. She is a Model of an Intercessor, the bridge between the people and Christ. She is courageous. Let us ask ourselves if we are also keen to the minor “lack of new wine in the people” – the Youth, the Old, the Sick, the Rich, the Marginalized, the Women?

To proclaim the GOOD NEWS is to look for the Good of all, to LIBERATE them from all distress, suffering, fear, oppression and to help them to stand on their feet without making them always dependant on us. Normally, we are not to be the “Goal” but the means=the tunnel, through which Charity flows.

The Church in Africa, and particularly in Ethiopia, needs a missionary who is keen to observe, analyse and act accordingly. We need flexibility like that of Mary. We need to restore back to the people their identity, which means, the people should be able, through us, to understand who they are, their capacity and strength, shortcomings, weakness, limitations, so as to be able to move forward. Why are some of our missions stagnant like the Dead Sea?

The paternalistic and materialistic, rightly put, “peculiaristic” tendency of many of our missionaries leaves a lot to be desired. This, in many cases, the core of our Missionary stagnation. Sometimes we do not care who will come after us. We are enslaving the people instead of liberating them. A life not reflected is not worth living. That’s why we cannot go on this way without reflecting and evaluating ourselves. Each one of us is expected to do a thorough toiletry of our evangelistic methodology if we want to progress. Thorough introspection is vital at this juncture; we want to catapult ourselves to the top as far as evangelization is concerned.

Maria Consolata, a Lady of our Time – a Lady of Now

Following the example of Cana, we realize that Mary does not say “Wait” when there is need from the people. This is a true model for the missionary in the third Millennium, where we need little talk and much action. In this continent where the human person still years for justice, where the right to life is but a dream, where simple diseases like malaria still claim thousands of lives on daily basis, where clean water and air, food and environment are not a priority, but privilege, how can we contribute as Consolata Missionaries?

Africa has not only need of these big projects we make and, constructions we erect in the name of mission, but also a missionary who helps her re-organize herself. One who, like Jesus, washes the feet of the people, so that they are ready to meet God. Are we such missionaries? A new Consolata is possible. From her “do what he tells you”, Mary is a Collaborator. She is attentive, Vigilant, Solicitous and Unobtrusive. She does not attract to herself, she directs people toward Jesus. How can we collaborate when our “ego” still reigns over our humility, and we always want to be “Boss”, “Superior”? etc…

How do we promote collaboration when we always want to choose who to work with us in our missions, such that if I do not want for example Fr. Jean-Marie, then the Superior has to move him away?

How do we teach the people the spirit of collaboration in the mission while we are not able to work as a team in matters of pastoral, Justice and Peace, Vocation Promotion, etc? If what we enjoy most is to point fingers to the weaknesses of our “Brothers” and laugh at them when they fail, not realizing that when they fail, we do have also failed? When we always want to show the Superior that we are better than the others? How can we convince the people that the Lord we are serving is a God of Love, Peace, Justice? When our “fraternal” correction has remained a thing of the books, and not of our daily life? Is this the way we can evangelize in this third Millennium?

The Church is called, not only to be the conscience of the society, but also to be the yeast of change that gives and sustains abundant life. From our Founder Allamano’s “the Good must be done well without noise”. Principle, we have to know that much more is expected from us: more prayer life, more mortification, and more charity. Holiness is the practical exercise in the little things of everyday life. In our “soteriologic” journey, we won’t miss difficulties, of course. What to do? Mary says: when realities fail, and the promises crumble to dust, and you yourself are thrown to a ruthless aloofness, what’s the way to proceed? Faith alone is our way! Do not lose heart. To those who trust, the Lord is always near. He is near us.

Let us Our Lady Consolata, always to intercede for us to Her Son, as She did at the Wedding Feast, that Christ may add “new wine” to our lives, and be able to deliver what he wants us to deliver to His flock, Amen.
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:01

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