South Africa: Need for a SA social forum

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}People gathered from all over Africa and from all parts of the world in Kenya for the World Social Forum (WSF) in January this year. It was an opportunity to highlight and celebrate Africa and her social movements with reflective thinking, democratic debate of ideas, and a free exchange of experiences. The WSF is not just an event - it is a process of seeking and building alternatives in a world dominated by unbridled capitalism.

For the 2007 WSF in Africa to be a real instrument of social transformation, we need to continue the process here in South Africa. We need to develop the capacity to criticize global structures in addition to challenging the political, social and economic issues within South Africa.

South Africa has a growing economy and many good service_providing projects are up and running. However, the majority of the people are not benefiting from the new prosperity and more are becoming jobless and are without income. Recent years have seen the proliferation of ‘Black Diamonds’, a new black middle class made wealthy through BEE. Neo-liberal capitalism says that the trickle-down effect will see many more people sharing in this wealth. The reality is that the wealthier one gets, the more one holds onto that wealth. The result is an increase in poverty and a widening of the gap between rich and poor.

The public servant’s strike and the many protests concerning the lack of service delivery are symptoms of the growing dissatisfaction with an economic system that is failing the needs of the poor and the marginalised. Issues like climate change, control and security of resources (water, land, environment etc), African economic and political integration, debt, food and agricultural policies, culture, education, and AIDS demand reflection and debate.

We need to understand these issues and the influence of globalisation and neo-liberal capitalism on South Africa in order to work towards building another world.

Social movements and faith_based people need to unite and call for a greater concern for the needs of humanity and of the earth over profit, greed, corruption and destruction of the planet.

A South African Social Forum would be an assembly of people striving to move from simple debate over these issues into convergence where many solutions can be proposed. It should be a space for former and current leaders, writers, youth, women and everyman to give testimony to share their collective wisdom. We should emphasize the many good things happening and build on them. A forum like this would be a sign that the Holy Spirit is at work among us. Christians are a hopeful people and this hope should shine in our hearts as we strive for social justice.

Grain of Wheat GrOW c/o Justice & Peace Department phone 011 402_6400
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:01

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