Ethiopia: IMC Ethiopian Region Annual Retreat

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}In one of his books on the formation, Reverend Father Amadeo Cencini makes an exhilarating reflection maintaining that the life of a person is divided into three dimensions: psycho-phenomenal, psycho-social and rational-spiritual. The first dimension is described by the primary necessities, such as of food, drink, sleep, clothe, etc… Then, in the second dimension, the Reverend Father Amadeo Cencini reminds us that the person since he came into existence is brought up to be with others. He becomes a “being-with”; that is the conviviality, and altruism. Finally, in the last and third dimension, after experiencing the needs of the nature, living in the community and sharing with others, the person has to stop a little bit his route or journey, and ask himself the following questions: Where am I from? Where am I now? Where am I going?

It is the crucial moment in the life of somebody which really needs to be taken into account.

Bearing the love of the creation in mind, as humankind we are really obliged to develop our friendship with our Lord because He is our Creator. I believe that nobody will live eternally in this world. All of us will die. According to the nature, each of us has his own day, date and time. It is time to repent and get prepared for the Kingdom of God. We can mostly dialogue with God during our prayers. Prayers are extremely needed in our lives. Our prayers have to become life and vice versa. The daily life should manifest the type of experience we have with Jesus. On that issue, Our Founder, Joseph Allamano, strongly recommends it: “(…) try to live a life really permeated by the presence of Jesus among you. You must not only be “Consolatini”, but also “Sacramentini”. It’s not enough to work. You need to pray and make reparation (…) how much strength and consolation you’ll receive in the missions when you have difficulties and sorrows! I want Jesus (…) to be your advisor, comforter and help, especially in the missions.” (Spiritual Life of our Founder, p.564).

The hints given by Rev. Father Amadeo Cencini and our Founder are not ‘labyrinths’, which mean confusing network, or something very complicated. We need to make an experience, program. That is the reason why we took a break from November, 5th to 10th and headed for Debre-Zeit (Galilee Centre s.j.), one of the towns, for our Annual Retreat. It was bliss to have those days as Confreres of the Ethiopian Region, reflecting on the Beatitudes as path of holiness of life. The Retreat was guided by one Jesuit Father. We hope the teaching gotten will help us to make fundamental changes in our missionary life and work.

Thanks to You, Lord, for your help during the Retreat! Amen.

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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