Ethiopia: building projects with IMC

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage} In Lingala (D.R.Congo‘s one of the national languages) there is one adage which says moto soki asali mosala mwa ye malamu, esengeli kozongisela ye botondi, which literally means if somebody did a good job or work, we need to thank and congratulate him. Our thanks are to Dear Fathers Giuseppe Giovaneti and Mathieu Kasinzi. If you don’t mind, I am not on the side of the people who may think that I have been praising the two Confreres above-mentioned. But for their former work, their names have to be written in Wonji Mission archives.

In Wonji, most of the people do not have a high standard of life. It has been a pity to see how many people would like to improve their education but they cannot due to the lack of schools, financial support. The families which have some economical power are sending their children to Nazareth, town located at 20Km from Wonji. They have to cover the transport costs, lunch and other expenses. It makes some parents felt sick. Every body is not capable to afford it. During the time of the two Confreres in Wonji mission, the education was one of their priorities in social level. The two fathers tried their best to relieve the Wonji town population in building Water tanks, some classrooms, library in Kessate Birhan School. Due to lack of financial matter, they could not completely fulfil their plan with the Elementary school in Wonji Town. Since they left for other countries, the Elementary school ‘Kessate Birhan’ in Wonji has been faced so many problems, especially lack of classrooms, desks, equipments and so on… We took it into account and realized that it was very urgent to keep track of that project. With the knowledge gotten last year in Rome in funding raises, Fr. Kasinzi Matthieu was at our disposal to receive our proposal. Later on, he organized the project according to the rules got during his course and sent it back to us. As soon as we submitted it to Caritas Austria, Mr. Bertram Jaeger, one of the Caritas Austria partners, immediately answered back to our request. In one year, the two new buildings containing each eight classrooms with desks were constructed. That’s why on November, 22nd 2007, we were so thrilled to celebrate the inauguration of the new buildings in Kessate Birhan Elementary School in Wonji. The same benefactor being presented in the ceremony, promised to keep on helping us with the construction of laboratory, computer room, meeting hall and pedagogical centre. The ceremony finished with special thanks to the Consolata Missionaries. As for me, I say in particular way thanks to Dear Frs. and Confreres, Giuseppe Giovanetti and Mathieu Kasinzi because they were the ones who initiated those kinds of projects in Kessate Birhan Elementary School in Wonji mission.

May God bless our Benefactors, Friends, Confreres and Families members, Amen!

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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