Kenya: Perpetual profession

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
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The day was chilly and the clouds seemed to hold the sunshine captive for yet another hour. It was at eight in the morning and all of us wished the weather would give us a break. Fr. Penda confirmed that he was ferrying the flowers and the spiritual dimension got ready to finalise the liturgical matters. The day was Saturday 1st December. After a couple of years, the Allamano community was going to celebrate another perpetual profession. The first products of Allamano’s year-of-service students were finally going to commit themselves permanently to the church. It had been a great and tough journey. Giolitti had been working at Wamba in northern Kenya, while Br. Blaise had been working at Chinga Parish in Kisumu.

At ten we left the house and headed to Consolata seminary, where the celebration was to be held. The hall was already decorated and the curious philosophers waited anxiously to see the men, who has finished what had earlier been mistakenly thought of as a military year. The period of socialisation went on fast and soon it was eleven. The weather had changed and everybody was happy to see the sunshine. The superiors had arrived and everybody was ready for the big day. Exactly at eleven the Mass started. Fr. Cellana the regional superior celebrated the Mass, assisted by Fr. Penda the rector of Allamano House, Fr. Bonanomi the rector of Consolata seminary, a number of regional superiors from Africa who had arrived for a meeting of the regional superiors, and other distinguished Consolata missionaries.

The Mass started at top gear with the singing carrying the day. The usual touching and to the point homilies of Fr. Cellana crowned the day. He called upon us to thank God for the dedication Giolitti and Br. Blaise were making. He invited them to focus on sanctity and to continue working for the good of the institute, church, and the whole humanity.

After the Mass a great feast was awaiting for us at the dining of the seminary. It was at four that we left for Allamano House, where the feasting was to continue. An hour went fast and at seven music could be heard blaring up from the dining room. A host of dishes were provided and drinks were in plenty. Dancing went of to eleven and students could be heard wishing that perpetual professions were every week. In their opportunities to speak, Giolitti and Br. Blaise thanked the community and all people who had attended, contributed or even participated in making the day the success it had been. They also prayed that the family spirit may continue.

It was a couple of minutes after eleven that we retired to our bed to rest, ready for the following day’s pastoral activities.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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