South Africa: A seed has been planted

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}Remember those who brought you the word of God, as you consider their life imitate their faith. (Hebrews 13:7)

Beginning with this quotation from the letter to the Hebrews helps me to keep in mind the background of my faith and where it is rooted. When I arrived in Madadeni I found my Parish Priest Fr. Joseph with the parishioners organizing the feast of our lady Consolata, which is on the 20th of June, but for the community it was celebrated on Sunday the 24th. In this huge celebration I had also a role to play which was to share with the people my experience and Journey with the Consolata Missionaries.

This is where the whole issue of questions started. After the celebration I stayed with the youth and we shared, they started asking me many questions about the Consolata Missionaries and my life.

Visiting the Consolata Parishes with the Vocational Promoter was part of my Holidays’ Program. We visited all the Consolata Parishes starting from Madadeni, Osizweni, Mamelodi, Daveyton, Embalenhle and Damesfontein. Having meetings/workshops (and in one place also a retreat) with the youth, I had the opportunity to share with them my experience and my journey. (Oh my God!) The youth were so impressed with this young guy, who is almost the same age of them. This was one of the most interesting and enjoyable meetings I ever had with the youth. They asked many questions, and this motivated me since I had to think deeply about my vocation. I hope they gained something from our sharing because I learnt a lot from them.

I hope to meet them again and also to meet new ones from other parishes. I am very happy to answer their questions even through mails.

I really felt that there was something happening, the seed was planted now, it only needs to be watered. Like our founder Allamano I also say, “A very tiny seed has been planted, which in time will grow and bear fruit, giving shelter to the birds of the air.”

Together let us pray for each other and also for vocations in our Country.
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:53

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