Kenya: Message of hope

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}We began this year on a very sad note whereby our beloved Country was engulfed by post election violence and lots of lives were lost. The violence has affected various parts of the Country, and we have witnessed a lot of suffering by people who have been displaced from their homes. We have seen people who have lived together as neighbors turn against each other as if they are strangers. Lives have been lost, children have been made orphans, and others are living as refugees in their own country! The livelihood of numerous people has been shattered as a result of their businesses, which in most cases, is the source of their daily bread, having been destroyed by being set ablaze by arsonists.

The spirit of living together as Christians seems to have been forgotten and arsonists have even turned to torching down Churches which were the only source of refuge for many of the displaced families. People are even losing their lives when they seek shelter in the house of the Lord!

As we continue to pray to God everyday to save our Country, let us remember to pray that all Peace, Love and Unity will be restored in our Country. We pray that we will go back to walking and working side by side with each other just like the days before.

Our Parish, which consists of Consolata Shrine and Holy Trinity Kileleshwa, has come up with an initiative whereby we want to send out a message of HOPE to the displaced people. I encourage everyone to continue to pray for each other and also to remember our Country in our prayers. We need the intervention of God. As Christians, it is our humble duty to pray for our Country and its entire people. We have a divine responsibility to maintain Peace and to send out messages of Hope to one another.

The Executive Committee of our Parish held an urgent meeting recently whereby it was suggested to urgently set up an appeal for your support in donating foods, clothes and other essential items for distribution to alleviate the suffering of the large numbers of the displaced families. All the items collected will be delivered to the Bishop of Nakuru, Rt. Rev. Peter Kairo, as soon as possible for urgent distribution to the displaced families. This is our way of sending our message of Hope to the affected families.

The first lorry headed for Nakuru will leave the Shrine on Wednesday 23rd. We still continue with our appeal.

We pray to God that a peaceful resolution will be worked out to return the country back to normal.

I am greatly indebted and very thankful to all the Parishioners and well wishers who have untiringly supported the poor and needy of our Parish. We have already started receiving food donations and clothes that are to go towards the displaced people of our Country.

May God continue to bless you all as we send out our prayers for our Country through our Mother Mary Consolata.

Rev. Fr. Marino Gemma
Parish Priest
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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