Kenya: Inter-seminary meeting

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage} The day started as no other. It was at five in the morning when the doors of the rooms started clicking. It was an unusual event, since for a long time it had not taken place at that time. It however reminded us that we had visitors in our community, and actually not visitors but our young brothers. The previous day the novices had arrived for the inter-seminary meeting, which was to be held at the Consolata seminary. The novices were going to live with us in the three days in which the inter-seminary was going to be taking place.

(The inter-seminary, the event which sees the different houses of formation in Kenya meeting for some days for socialization, had another two day).

At seven all of us were out, for as it had been planned, the departure to Consolata was to be at seven, since the Mass was to be at half past seven. With the commitment of the community drivers at work, we were at Consolata at the right time. The Mass for opening the inter-seminary was celebrated by the vice-regional superior assisted by the rectors of the philosophicum and the theologicum, and the priests residing at the seminary. In his homily, Fr. Kwajaba insisted on the fact that prayer is a crucial aspect in our lives, not only in this period of lent but actually all our lives. He emphasized the development of the spirit of prayer than just saying prayers.


After the Mass we had breakfast, which was followed by the talk of the day. Fr. Modestus Inyaiti of the Apostles of Jesus, who was giving the talk on the challenges of formation in the 21st century, gave a very informative input as he enumerated and explained the challenges. Among many of the challenges, he explained were challenges affecting the Christian faith as such, challenges originating from the family, challenges due to contemporary cultural changes, challenges due to formation system, challenges coming from formators and from the formees.


The talk was followed by discussion groups, which had questions or topics of discussions. These were meant help us evaluate the life of the Consolata institute, as a way of identifying area which needed improvement. After lunch we had a period of three hours of brotherly sports, which helped in not only physical exercise but also in socialization. The sports were followed by evening prayers led by Fr. JohnBonanomi, which was followed by supper and entertainment. The steaming entertainment pieces closed the events of the day leaving us to retire to bed for the next day’s events.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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