Ethiopia: The secret of a tree

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}There is an adage which says: “don’t neglect anyone or anything around you because you don’t know how much one day you can be saved by him or it.” In Ethiopia, especially in southern part, there are so many trees of Aloe. I always consider them as simple trees to beautify the compound. Actually, Aloe trees are sources of a very strong medicine to cure several sicknesses. The Aloe, that tree of harmonious ornament is not the unknown in the pharmaceutical domain. Aloe-based preparations are known in the form of the most diverse of preparation or use as laxative. The laxative is just a drug used to promote bowel movements, either by irritating the lower colon or by bulking the stool.

Yes, some tests have proved that Aloe is one of the laxatives the most crowned with success. However, the tree abounds in a secret which is so profitable for our health. And yet, we could not be so much surprised to know that Aloe offers more therapeutic substances than those of laxative. There is a time when Aloe was called “FIRST CARE”. The whys and wherefores of that appellation were justified by the impact of the Aloe in the life of the people. Many cases illustrated the need of Aloe. For example, in the event of an injury, people used to cut a leaf of Aloe from inferior part of the tree, then they put the thick juice on the injury and the result was that the injury was immediately closed up. That tradition still goes on. The property hemostatic and therefore astringent of the Aloe’s juice incite the researchers to closely examine the substances contained in Aloe’s tree with the aim of being at the humanity disposal. Among different treatments done by Aloe, we would like to talk of the Myopia’s case. The Myopia is a common condition in which light entering the eye is focused in front of the retina and distant objects cannot be seen sharply. In high myopia, the eyeball is unusually long, whereas in physiological myopia the eyeball length is normal but the power of the cornea is too great for the axial length. The Myopia is a phenomenon much spread. There are benign myopia and malignant myopia. The cause of that is quite often the diabetes or secondary effect of some medicines. The following therapy is recommended:

1)Myopia Benign: during 15 days consecutives, it is advised to inject one ampoule of the extracted Aloe of 0, 5 ml into the body. After a pause of 15 days, we restart one course of treatment of 15 ampoules of 0,5ml divided in 15 days.

2)Myopia Malignant: during 15 days consecutives, injection of one ampoule of 1 ml into the body. After a pause of 15 days, the second course of treatment is done with 1 ml divided in 30 days consecutives. The course treatment must be repeated during one year.

Unthinkable but true! Thousands of people have been cured by Aloe. Professionally I am not a Doctor or a Nurse. This short article results from the sharing with a “tradi-practician”. Please, don’t destroy the above-mentioned tree wherever you see it. You never know how much it will help you.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29
Altro in questa categoria: Capodanno Lunare in Mongolia »

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