Kenya: The beginning of two noviciates

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
Thirteen novices began their year of Noviciate officially during the vespers presided over by the Regional Superior, Fr. Franco Cellana on 17th July 2008, at Sagana. Three days after, the second noviciate in Kenya at Mathari- Nyeri, began on 22nd July 2008 with 10 novices. The new noviciate of Mathari, began during the mass presided by the Vicar General of Nyeri Archdiocese, Rev Fr. Elias Gichuki. Other fathers present were Fr. Franco Cellana- Regional Superior, Fr. Hieronymus Joya- vice Regional Superior, Fr. James Lengarin (Novice Master- Mathari), Frs. Attilio and Michael Wamunyu both Assistant Novice Masters in Mathari and Sagana respectively, Fr. Brambilla (Following the construction), Fr. Dr. Donatus Mathenge, the parish priest of Mwenji parish (the territory where the new noviciate is situated). Sr. Theresa Murugi, the mother general superior of Mary Immaculate sisters (the congregation founded by Mons. Philip Perlo), Fr. Njoroge IMC, among others.

Opening a new noviciate at Mathari is a historical return of Consolata missionaries, a journey backwards as the parish priest of Mwenji parish put it. The Consolata Missionaries came to Mathari for the evangelization and then they left to go to other places according to their charism. Now we make a journey backwards to Mathari with a house of formation - noviciate and a centre of animation. In his homily the Vicar General praised the work of the Consolata Missionaries and having tasted their spirituality as a former student at Consolata Seminary, witnessed that we are faithful in both the spread of the Word of God and our Charism to the ad gentes. He further exhorted the Consolata Missionaries for having responded in obedience to the plea of John Cardinal Njue which he made few years ago as the Coadjutor bishop of Nyeri Archdiocese. The cardinal had requested the Consolata Missionaries to go back to Nyeri in order to have a point of reference of our spirituality well known in the Church of Nyeri.

The vicar general invited the new novices to be faithful to our charism and to Our Lady Consolata. He recalled in his earlier days having known only Our Lady Consolata, and this attested the kind of evangelization the first Consolata Missionaries laid in Nyeri. Now that the second novitiate is established in Mathari, this is a come back of the Consolata Family in this region which they had evangelized and established the local churches which produced local priests and became independent.

The exhortation of the Regional Superior to 23 novices (13 in Sagana and 10 in Mathari) was in the spirit of our Founder Bl. J. Allamano. Fr. Cellana reminded the new novices that the novitiate is the garden of every congregation and for us a foundation of sanctity, so that we may respond to Allamano’s wish and spirit, ‘first saints then missionaries.’ He further pointed on humility in acquisition of virtues and deepening of the evangelical counsels. He then gave them two lifestyles: contemplation of the Word of God and active pastoral (evangelization).

On 22nd July 2008, there was a simple blessing of the new noviciate awaiting a solemn blessing when the building will be completed. We pray for the 23 novices who have began their noviciate this year that they may really become good Consolata Missionaries.
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:43
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