Kenya: Another Semester of Proclamation

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}“Oh look at that!” one young man who was among four others exclaimed pointing at a mass of vehicles packed in the college parking.

“You can’t even imagine there is a chilling increase in fuel prices,” another interjected almost immediately.

After a few more sentences I could tell that these must have been lay students. It was not the first time I had heard such kinds of comments. I could not however blame them, for to me they represented a huge chunk of Christians who never seemed to understand the evangelical poverty   talked about by the religious. I wished I had time to explain to them all about religious life.

The contents of our annual retreat at Sagana a week before were still fresh in my mind, and I could almost enumerate what the retreat master, Fr. Ambrose  Mutinda had said about the vows. Anyway, my eyes jumped to another scene, and there was another group of young men engrossed in serious talk. I could almost guess that the speaker was telling the rest of his pastoral experience during the May-August holiday. Beyond them was a group of religious sisters, who were speaking so orderly that you would have thought they were praying the Rosary. The compound was literary littered with people.

It was the 18th of August, the first day of the 2008 – 2009 academic year at Tangaza, and as usual the first day maintained a spirited atmosphere from all students who were keen in narrating their experience in the various parts of the world they had been for pastoral experience or holiday. Of course the stories died away with time as studies took root and assignments came pilling.

A few minutes before nine, the discussion groups which had been vibrant dissolved almost immediately. The Mass was to start any time. The choir which had been practicing a distance away took its position. I could hear the choir master telling the members to ensure their throats were clear for the task. As the last student found his seat, the procession appeared. We all stoop up as the opening hymn went on air with the choir on the lead. As if taken by the spirit, we joined in the singing, announcing the opening of another few months of proclamation (Tangaza).    

The Mass was presided by Fr. Ambose Mutinda, and the preaching was done by Fr. Thomas Esselman. In his sermon, Fr. Esselman emphasized communion and collaboration among the members of the Tangaza family. On academics, he reminded us (students) that our studying should be geared to the service of the people of God, and not in the achievement of great tittles, elevation of our ego or even improvement our social status. He therefore challenged us to do our best in integrating what we got from the lecture halls with our pastoral activities. The Mass which was well attended ended at ten, releasing us to attend the half past ten lectures. In a matter of minutes the corridors of Tangaza became alive as students moved up and down trying to locate their new allocated lecture rooms. By half past ten no voice could be heard except the lecturers. Learning had started.


Fr. Cellana and Fr. Tony participate in Mass


Fr. Penda and Fr. Bellagamba after the Mass
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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