Kenya: Lorenzo and Daniel graduate

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}One more step, one more accolade won. After an academic journey of four years, a day arrived when all that had been done on this journey was recognized and honoured. On 3rd of October this month, all roads led to the Catholic University of Eastern Africa's grounds where young men and women received their doctorates, degrees and diplomas, hard earned. It was a day surely when many sighed like Old Simeon of the bible; "At last all powerful master …" But only to begin another long journey of working out the talents that they had acquired, that it may produce more.

The Consolata Missionaries could not miss out in a day like this. How could it be when two of their sons, two of their brothers were being crowned? They had left for the time being, their tools of the year of service to receive the fruits of their work that they did in class. For us here at Allamano House, the day belonged to Lorenzo Gomez Sanchez and Daniel Joseph, who currently are on the way to concluding their year of service in Mukothima and Mujwa respectively. As Tangaza College was closed purposely for that day, we went to accompany them and we lost ourselves in the joys of the day amidst the moving mass of humanity in an unforgiving African midday sun.   

The guest of the day was the very right honourable, Prime Minister of the Republic of Kenya Mr. Raila Amolo Odinga. In his speech he observed that high schools, colleges and universities serve to bring together people of different cultural backgrounds  especially within Kenya thus helping to forge intercultural unity and understanding; the aspect that was manifested as lacking or very weak during the post election violence in the beginning of this year. As he remarked, it helps to open up the mind to other realties. He joked that, you can remove a boy from the village, but the other way round, you can't.

Due to the pressing activities and lack of suitable time, our two graduates spared some time in the evening to share with us their experience of the year of service. This is bearing in mind that this year is still quite new (they are the second group from Allamano House and the Kenyan region to do it). So their experience is valuable both to those who are next in line (Allamano House is preparing to send the third Group of Seven next semester), and for evaluation and modification if need be, of this year, so that those who    do it may get the best experience out of it.    
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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