Ordinations in Brazil: The Year of Grace

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}When the prophet Isaiah said that the lord has anointed me “to proclaim the favorable year of the lord." – to proclaim the year of grace, was not speaking from our reality. It is really what we can say as Consolata missionaries in Brazil. The year 2008 was really a year of grace in our family. On the months of November and December, three young missionaries did their perpetual professions and diaconal ordinations.

In the sequence, on 22-11-2008, it happened the perpetual profession of Bernard Mwangi Maina, and on the following day (23-11-2008), it happened his ordination to diaconate. This took place in Bahia, northern part of brazil. In the southern part of Brazil, in sao Paulo, it also happened the perpetual profession and diaconal ordination of Job Masyula Mbutu which was on 29-11-2008 and 30-11-2008, respectively. Lastly, it came the day of Rodrick Tumaini Minja. His perpetual ordination and diaconal ordination happened in Bahia, on 6th and 7th of December, 2008, respectively.

In all the six celebrations (professions and ordinations), there was a strong presence of the Consolata missionaries, friends and faithful of the various communities. With the presence of the regional superior of Brazil, Fr. Lirio Geraldi, it marked a strong unity and communion with the Consolata family at large. As a leader and father, Fr. Lírio stressed much of the office of a deacon to the young ordained missionaries. More so he talked of the need to give testimony of sharing and love. The theme which was repeatedly talked about by the bishops who ordained the young missionaries. The regional superior urged the three young missionaries to make memories of their intentions and motivations which made them to leave their beloved countries and continent for the missions. So to mention, Bernard and job are from Kenya, and Rodrick is from Tanzania.

Notwithstanding the absence of the parents and the blood members of the newly ordained deacons, Fr. Lírio thanked them and recognized their great generosity to motivate their sons to the call of missionary life. He encouraged them with the words of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, “…the one who called you is faithful…”. “We thank your families for having motivated you to join this family of Consolata, and we want to testify to you that the Lord who called you to this family is faithful to his word,” said Fr. Lírio.

Arriving to the end of the celebrations, Fr. Lírio always reminded the faithful of the responsibility to form, accompany, co-operate and to work together with the new deacons.

After all, we can all say with the prophet Isaiah that, the year of 2008, was a year to proclaim the grace in the family of Consolata missionaries in Brazil, and at large. May the Lord who calls vocations in this family continue been faithful and may the response continue been faithful.


Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:42
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