Ethiopia: Glance at Christmas feast

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}Wednesday January 7, in Ethiopia, all the Christians celebrated Christmas Feast. People sent each other card, SMS: messages through mobiles phone and gave gifts to their families and friends. In homes and stores, evergreen trees glittered with colorful lights and ornaments. In some families, children looked forward to seeing a jolly, white-bearded man in a red suit named Santa Claus. Cheers!! Cheers!! Enkwan bsalam, bandenet, bfeqer, aderesatchiu !!! Melkam Gena!

Introduction: Christmas is based on the story of Christ’s birth as described from the New Testament in the Gospels of Mt 1:18-2:12 and Luke 1:26-56. It is a Christian festival celebrating birth of Jesus- Christ.

Most of our Christians and followers of Protestantism always celebrate Christmas on December 25, starting from the eve celebration in the evening of December 24. Members of most Orthodox Churches around the world also celebrate Christmas on December 25. But some Orthodox Christians such as in Russia, Ukraine, the Holy Land, and elsewhere, Ethiopia included, always celebrate Christmas on January 7 because they follow the Julian Calendar, which is a former dating system introduced by Julius Caesar in 46 BC, consisting of 365 days, with extra day every four years. It was replaced by the Gregorian calendar in 1582.

Brief Origin of Christmas: Consulting and sharing with my formator in Theological seminary, Rev. Fr. Mario Barbero, Imc, Doctor in Bible; he told me that “although the Gospels describe Jesus’ birth in detail, they never mention the date of December 25”. However, most scholars believe that Christmas originated in the 4th century as a Christian substitute for pagan celebrations of the Winter Solstice. Each year beginning on December 17, Romans honored Saturn, the ancient god of agriculture, in a festival called Saturnalia. This festival lasted for seven days and included the Winter Solstice, which usually occurred around December 25 on the ancient Julian calendar. During Saturnalia, the Romans feasted, postponed all business and warfare, exchanged gifts, and temporarily freed their slaves. The Roman Catholic Church chose December 25 as the day for the Feast of the Nativity in order to give Christian meaning to existing pagan rituals. For example, the Church replaced festivities honoring the birth of Mithra, the god of light, with festivities to commemorate the birth of Jesus, whom the Bible calls the light of the World.

Christmas’ impact: I believe that Christmas is also a social and family holiday. It is a festival of Goodwill, a time for family, friends, food and gift-giving. But that’s not enough. Christmas has to be also understood in the transcendental way which is Love of God to us. Dear Readers, with the coming of Emanuel (God with us), I also believe that we are all called to be Light for our Brothers and Sisters wherever we are. Not obstacles to the life of others. Christmas is neither time to play trick on someone nor to take one’s revenge. It is time of Love, Peace, Joy, togetherness… Jesus came to save all of us. How is it sometimes hurtful to realize that there are some people in this world who are delighted to see or make others suffered? Which nastiness!!! Briefly, Sadism! And considering themselves as centers of everything! Which Narcissism! Giving a look at the world, not one minute passed to get bad news. Maybe it is due to lack of Love. Our short reflexion is beyond of being a judgment to others; but as a very deep concern on the reality of our world. The current society really needs Love. The latter comes from Jesus-Christ. When there is Love, I hope we find Peace… (St Paul to Galatians 5: 22). Mostly for us spirituals and religious leaders/authorities in our missions, Emanuel (God with us) has to be our daily point of reference, our goal. If that is the case, we will be capable to witness Him in our life as Good leaders or authorities among the people. That is already Holiness of life. In the same way, I would kindly like to quote from Rev. Father Stefano Camerlengo, Our Vice Father General, in his recent and incisive article within December-January 2009 in Casa Madre, and inviting all of us to make it a Vade Mecum, which can help us to lead others: “Un'autorita che si preoccupa di creare il clima favorevole per la condivisione e la corresponsabilità, che suscita l’apporto di tutti alle cose di tutti, che incoraggia I fratelli ad assumersi le responsabilità e le sa rispettare, che suscita l’obbedienza dei religiosi, nel rispetto della persona umana, che li ascolta volentieri, promuovendo la loro concorde collaborazione per il bene dell’Istituto e della Chiesa, che pratica il dialogo e offre opportuni momenti di incontro, che sa infondere coraggio e speranza nei momenti difficili, che sa guardare avanti per indicare nuovi orizzonti alla missione.”

May God enlighten the entire world and “since we are living by the Spirit, let our behaviors be guided by the Spirit and let us not be conceited or provocative and envious of one another (Galatians 5:26-27)”. Amen.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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