They killed a priest with a mission

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}THOSE who knew Fr. Giuseppe Bertaina, the Consolata missionary priest who was killed in his office on Friday 16th January 2009, were, to say the least, profoundly shocked. I say this as a former student of Fr. Bertaina at Consolata Seminary, Nairobi.

The 82 years old priest worked hard in his missionary work. Even at his advanced age, we were surprised at his stamina. He would work at his office from early in the morning to well past midnight. Ironically, he died in his office, literally. He also had a sharp memory. Within the first half of a new semester, he would comfortably recall the names of all new students with ease. When he walked, it was with a fast pace, never seeming to pass, but, alas! He would not miss to notice anything worth his attention on the way.

Fr. Bertaina was also an astute administrator. He successfully saw the building of the new ultra-modern Institute of Philosophy situated within Consolata Seminary in 1996. He consequently moved in to be the new institute’s administrator. This is what he did until his sad demise at the hands of heartless thugs.

Before moving over to the new Institute of Philosophy, he also doubled up as the rector of Consolata Seminary, a different entity from the institute but within the same compund.

As the rector of the seminary, he made sure that all seminarians strictly followed the laid out rules. I have heard many people wonder how people survive in the seminary with such strict rules. However, strict as the rules were, Fr. Bertaina enforced them with a human face. I have yet to meet any former seminarian who would claim to have been unfairly treated by Fr. Bertaina. He was firm. He would not even hesitate to expel any seminarian who went beyond what he could tolerate and the rules would allow. But believe me, under him, expulsions were quite few. Even when one opted to leave voluntarily the seminary, he would get good guidance from Fr. Bertaina. Some were also sponsored by him to pursue their studies elsewhere. Wasn’t this a wonderful priest?

Fr. Bertaina was also never lacking in humour. He always had the right jokes for the right moment. He always made fun of his slightly hoarse voice terming it as the most beautiful voice. We all laughed. He also had a good grip of local and international affairs.  As the avid reader he was, he made sure to read any new book on any subject that was added into the seminary library. I specifically remember him assisting me to get reference books when I was stuck researching on the Einstein notion of black holes. He in fact knew the exact location of the books in the library; he took me there. I was as amazed as anyone reading this would be.

The missionary, who came to Kenya in the 1950s, had a Bachelor of Science degree. But this is not to mean he was not good in other subjects. He had perfected his English so well that he never missed to notice any grammatical and pronunciation mistake from the seminarians. He would aptly call the concerned seminarian and make the corrections. This made us rehearse bible readings and other presentations in advance.

Outside the seminary, Fr. Bertaina also ministered to prisoners especially at Lang’ata prison. He seemed to love this part of his ministry. I believe many convicts became better citizens because of him.

This humble man of God is, to us present and former seminarians, religious priests and brothers, what Geoffrey Griffin was to all who went through Starehe Boys Centre. Many might not know, but I can authoratively reveal now that this country has many prominent people who passed through the hands of Fr. Bertaina; from bishops, priests, university lecturers, human rights activists, and teachers just to mention but a few. In fact, a well-known journalist and lecturer, Kodi Berth, is a product of Fr. Bertaina. The priest had a mission to bring positive change in our country. His mission has been cut short by his killers. Despite his advanced age, he had the stamina to press on. Criminals have brought to an end an illustrious life of a priest with a mission to improve our lot.

Therefore, as we mourn this unsung hero of our times, let us hope that many more dedicated people like him will arise. He came from Italy and dedicated his entire life to serve us. We need to show that his death was not in vain. I can say a lot about him. But probably not enough to give the whole picture of the deeds of this servant of God. To paraphrase one Cardinal Newman, words are too limited for what my mind believes and what my heart holds.

May the soul of Fr. Bertaina rest in eternal peace. And my last prayer is that the perpetrators of this heinous crime be quickly brought to book and justice done.
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:41

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