South Africa: The delegation welcomes the bishop-elect

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}“I am a Consolata and so I shall remain. But now I must take my place in the new body of the church-The South Africa Conference of Bishops {SACB}.”

It was at Pax Christi in New Castle where the above words were articulated by the new bishop-elect Jose Louis. The decision to give special welcome to Fr. Jose Louis on his return to South Africa had been hatched at Damesfontein where missionaries had gathered for the end of year celebrations.

Fr. Jose Louis had been a member of the delegation of South Africa and a one time delegate superior before he was appointed to Rome as the secretary to the generolate. His return to South Africa brought great joy not only to the delegation and the Catholic Church in South Africa but also to the whole Consolata Institute. The fact that he was returning to the delegation in a new dress of responsibility was a pride that was freely expressed in words and deeds not only by the members of the delegation but also by the bishop of Dundee together with his predecessor.

Missionaries travelled far and wide to converge at Pax Christi for the welcoming ceremony of Fr. Jose Louis. The tiresome Sunday activities notwithstanding, all arrived in time to receive the bishop-elect. The new bishop used the occasion to share with the members his feelings, thoughts and reactions that came with the news of his appointment as the bishop of kwavuma. First and foremost, the news of his appointment was a great shocker to him. Becoming a bishop was one of the things he least expected. When he received the call from the nuncio, he felt alarmed especially when the nuncio asked him to go to a lonely, quiet place because he had something special to discuss with him. When the words that would later change his life were pronounced to him, at first he thought it was a dream he would soon wake up from. But he was wrong! Everything was happening in reality word by word.

For a moment he thought of priestly formation. How it takes ten or so years during which an individual has the opportunity to discern and make the right choice. However, this does not happen when one is elevated to the episcopate. Instead he was given only one week not necessarily for discernment but for him to brave himself for the public declaration of the appointment. According to the nuncio, the bishop-elect could only say YES because the letter of his appointment was already on the desk of the Holy Father.

During that one week he was advised not to speak to anyone. That for him became his best moment to be alone with none but He who had called and appointed him-The Lord Jesus Christ. However, after the one week he still felt like one who had bought himself an oversize shirt.

The welcoming ceremony at Pax Christi was a colourful event attended by the bishop of Dundee Rt. Rev. Graham Rose together with his predecessor, bishop emeritus Rt. Rev. Paschal Rowland accompanied by his secretary.


During the eucharisitic celebration which was presided over by the bishop-elect, the delegate superior had invited all members to lay their hands on Fr. Jose Louis to pray for him as he prepares to carry the responsibility that has been bestowed on him by the church.

The bishop of Dundee officially welcomed him to the conference of bishops and assured him of his support. He at the same time called on the Consolata family not to abandon the bishop-elect alone in kwavuma but to continue offering him their support since he will still remain a member of the Consolata family.

Fr. Jose Louis is in South Africa to attend the bishops’ conference during which he will visit his See before going back to Rome, thereafter he will come for his ordination which is scheduled for 18th April 2009.

Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:41
Altro in questa categoria: Consolata mourns a great missionary »

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