Kenya: Celebration of the Feast of Our Founder

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}(Photo Gallery)

"Today is a great day for us. The day of our founder Blessed Joseph Allamano is one to be proud of." Fr. Pendawazima, the Rector of Allamano House, went on explaining the readings of the day, demonstrating how our founder could easily fit in the shoes of St. Paul, from whose writings the first reading had been taken. The Rector showed how Fr. Allamano had strong apostolic zeal and determination, values which saw him persevere great challenges in the effort of founding and directing the Institute.

The Mass had started at 10.00 am, and as you had guessed, the Consolata seminary compound was a sea of persons even long before the time. The timely arrival of the different communities could have easily given one an impression that we had actually woken up there. The truth was that every person was yearning to see the day of that great man, who although did not leave Italy, had been blessed with a travelling heart. A heart that saw him travel without leaving Italy to Africa, and later to the whole world through the persons he inspired – his Consolata Missionaries.  

The Mass went on till 11:30, when we headed to the hall for entertainments of the day. A poem from one of the philosophy students left us thinking. It was an expression of the gratitude of the Institute for the inspiring life, mission and direction of Our Founder Blessed Joseph Allamano. The poem was followed by skits about corruption and justice in our world, and a call for us missionaries to fight for fairness and equality in a world where individualism was engulfing all efforts of evangelization and human promotion. The Karate club also could not be left behind. They demonstrated to us several ways and means of defending ourselves in case of attack. We then moved into a moment of general knowledge, in which selected candidates were asked questions from the life of our Founder, to the headlines of recent newspapers in the country. As you can imagine, the session was highly entertaining. Brother Gaetano then soothed us with his classical music played on his accordion, leaving us demanding for more. The entertainment time was completed by a song from the combined efforts of the Consolata sisters' novices and the Juniors. By this time it was already 1.00 pm, and obviously we found our way to the dining room where all sorts of delicacies were "waiting" us. The environment was so cordial that pretty soon each was mingling with everybody else in a spirit of fraternity and happiness. By two we were leaving the dining hall, ready to embark on sports, which were to close the events of the day. The Allamano community and the second year philosophy students played against the first and third year philosophy students. Although the games were aimed at participation rather than competition, the Allamano-second year philosophy team took the day. It had been a busy, enjoyable and blessed day. As each community departed, one thing was clear – Our Founder must have been a very proud father. We, his children also were sure of his help, and that gave us more energy for our journey.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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