Amazonia: it’s unbelievable…

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}The house of formation in the Region of Amazônia started in high spirits with an intake of 9 propadeutics, the biggest number so far. This is unbelievable considering the preset current of vocations in Latin America. In fact, the Amazonia is leading in the continent with biggest number of students of propedeutico and philosophy. Presently, we are having 4 students of philosophy.

This is the fourth intake. The first one was in 2005 where 4 joined the formation house. In 2006 two enrolled with the institute and in 2007 we had a number of 7. It’s worthy noting that once there was a seminary functioning in the region, the Region of Roraima by then, but with time it was phased out, or better it was closed for lack of vocations. Some argue it differently; it was not lack of vocation but lack of vocational animation. Whichever the case from late eighties the region remained without seminarians up to 2005.

In 2005 five young and energetic men entered into the then starting seminary. Last year, when the group was supposed to be heading to the noviciate, only one of them managed to get there. In 2006 there were two who came knocking our door. Through the grace of God, the two are still persevering although one of them went to study in the region of Brasil. In 2007, the number tripled. Three have discerned for a different vocation while the other three are doing their second year of philosophy. Last year but one, we had a break. Two had asked to join us. A short time before the start of the formation year, one of them thought otherwise and gave up. The second one who had prepared himself to start his vocational formation was asked to wait for the following year, which, now, is this year.

This year starts on a very promising note. We have 9 of them. Most of them show a lot of human maturity. Two are from the city of Manaus while the rest are from the rural area or from the small cities of the state of Amazonas. This is a result of the investments the region is doing in the vocational e missionary animation. In addition, all the members of the region feel it’s their responsibility to be vocational animators.

The only challenge that we are having is structure of the formational house. It consists of an old wooden family house. It got dilapidated with age and that calls for consistent maintenance. However, its locality and the space it has offer a conducive atmosphere for formation. The theory the boys learn soon they find themselves putting it in practice. Despite all this the boys show a lot enthusiasm in every aspect of their life. Ours is to try to guide them to the full realization of their vocation.


Behind; Left to Right: Henrique(partly hidden, Clebson, José Renato, Sebastiao,
Janio, Aurimar, Infront; Left to Right: Inacio, Pe Ngari, Hugo, Adamor


All the seminarians, Frs Ngari and Joaquim, with formation house at the background


Philosophy students
Left to Right; Joao Batista, Osieu Cristo, Jenison, Antonio José
e Frs Joaquim and Ngari

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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