Kenya: Remembering Chief Karuri’s Kindness and his role in evangelization

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}Friday 20th March 2009 was a special day at the Shrine. It was the day we celebrated the life of Mary Wangari Wamwati, the grand daughter of Chief Karuri. Her father was Chief’s first born son and according to the Agikuyu tradition, the Late Wangare was named after Chief Karuri’s mother. She attended Tuthu primary school until the state of emergency was declared in 1952. As a result, the whole family shifted to Mathioya where her father worked as a Dam superintendent.

Mary was baptized in 1945 at Tuthu Catholic Mission by Fr. Aldo Cremasco. She grew up as a committed catholic who had a special love for Mary, our Mother of Consolation. The funeral service was transformed from a state of mourning to a moment of celebration both of her life well-lived and the kindness accorded to Consolata Missionaries during their first missionary encounter in Kenya. I presided over the Mass that was also concelebrated by Fr. Franco Cellana (Superior, Consolata Missionaries in Kenya).

According to family witnesses (Grandchildren: see photo) who lived at that time, Chief Karuri was a disciplined and respected person among the community where he grew up - today’s Murang’a district. He was particularly revered for his attachment and great passion for the soil. He always championed and stood firm against potential land grabbers and considered them a great enemy of the people. It is against this backdrop that the Chief developed an early reluctance in welcoming the British amongst the Agikuyu of Murang’a. His main worry was that they would end up allocating themselves huge chunks of land that would have benefited the locals. It is reported that he was even adamant about letting the Anglican missionaries extend their land for their church activities.

Link with Consolata Missionaries

But something extraordinary happened around 1902. On May 8, 1902, the first four Consolata Missionaries comprising of 2 Priests and 2 Brothers, left Italy for English East Africa. The Original aim was to reach Ethiopia, but political obstacles hindered any possibility of entry into that Country. Instead of an endless and disheartening delay, the missionaries decided to have a temporary experience in Kenya under the Holy Ghost Missionaries. This was a wise decision because Ethiopia would remain closed for a long time, and in the meantime the new missionaries would get deeply rooted in Kenya, making it their first and main missionary field.

On their arrival in Kenya, they headed to Tuthu, in Murang’a, to start the evangelization of the Agikuyu land. They reached Tuthu on June 28, 1902, after a long and dramatic journey across the Aberdare Ranges. That marked the beginning of the Consolata Missionaries adventure in Kenya. When Chief Karuri heard that Consolata Missionaries were looking for a piece of land to carry out their missionary activities, he amazingly welcomed them with an open heart and from there on, Murang'a became the epicentre of the Consolata Missionaries history in Kenya!

Indeed, towards the end of 1903, the Consolata Missionaries were present in seven Kikuyu mission stations, in a school for catechists, in a sawmill, and in the running of a rural livestock estate all courtesy of Chief Karuri’s kindness. He truly played a crucial role towards the growth of the Consolata family in Kenya. This is why the celebration of Wangare’s life has rekindled the sweet memories of an act that will forever remain in our hearts. May her soul and that of Chief Karuri rest in eternal peace.

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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