Easter: The Resurrection

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}The news came as great surprise. Nobody would have thought it was possible. Many who heard it were left dump founded. Even his closest friends seemed out of touch with reality.  We had seen him grow into a powerful preacher, attracting everybody’s attention whenever went. His miracles and transforming words were to us clears signs that the man was God send, but somehow the same irritated others. The religious leaders had time to time found him at fault with the observance of the law, and for some reason they were trying to oppose him whenever a chance came up. His attitude towards the mosaic tradition seemed contrary to what they would have expected a true prophet to teach and his opinion about the temple seemed to raise suspicious and anger towards the major religious groups in the society.

We had all information about his childhood and nobody would have thought there was anything extra-ordinary in him. His father was the poor village carpenter and his mother was a no extra-ordinary woman in the village. While he grew we saw him help his father in the carpentry, and we had all information to the fact that he was not learned.

At thirty, we had witnessed the tide of public opinion turning against him and at some point even his best friends doubted him. We knew that at one point one of his closest friend denied him and in fact another one ended up betraying him. Many of us thought that we were right when we claimed that he was the cause of his own down fall, and in fact some of us pointed at his continual provocation of the religious leaders as his own plan to the gallows.

The mockery trial that he was given, the barbaric crucifixion and the burial in a borrowed grave seemed to have sealed off his fate. It was after three days that the NEWS came. The man was alive, and alive never to die again.  Some women brought us a message that they had seen two angels who told them that he was alive, but as you would expect, we never believed them. Our leader ran to the tomb in the company of one of us whom the man had loved much, and to their surprise they found the place as the women had reported. It was that moment that we began realizing the truth of the matter. This was confirmed by our two brothers who were walking to the town called Emmaus, with whom they walked, and by whom they were taught and fed.

Their story had not even been over when the Lord stood among us. Of course we were too shocked to talk. The confirmation was now indubitable evidence: Jesus Christ our Saviour, the man they had so mercilessly killed was no longer among the dead. YES, he was alive, and alive never to die again.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29
Altro in questa categoria: Italia: Interseminario in Puglia »

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