Ethiopia: Priestly ordination

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}On May 2, 2009; some of us Consolata Missionaries and so many priests from several vicariates and religious congregations joined our Confrere Baiso Daniel Yoseph, and thousands of people to attend his priestly ordination under hands imposition of H.E Bishop Rodrigo Meija, Sj, Vicar Apostolic of Soddo Hosanna. On the same occasion, the Parishioners of Taza Catholic Church celebrated 75 years of the existence of their Parish. After the Eucharistic Celebration, we were all the most welcome for the beautiful, splendid and tasty food offered by Fr. Daniel’s family. “I am from the Southern area of Ethiopia. My family lives in Taza’s town, at 360km from the capital city. I did my philosophical studies in Addis Ababa, novitiate and theological studies in Kenya. Today it is a great day for me, my family and my congregation. I feel so happy”, says Fr. Daniel.

Here is a beautiful testimony of Fr. Scheier who was ordained a priest in 1973. His priesthood was not in the service of Jesus but to win people’s admiration. On October 18, 1985(12 years after his ordination) he was travelling to his parish in Kansas, USA. He met with a terrible accident: a head-on collision with a pick-up truck. Fr. Scheier was thrown out from his vehicle. His entire scalp was taken off on the right side. The right side of his brain was partially sheered off and many cells were crushed. He had a broken neck. The doctors said that he had 15% chances of survival. So many people prayed for him. He finally survived. He returned to his parish after eight months. One day when he was celebrating Mass, the Gospel reading was the Parable of the Barren Fig Tree. He read: “Look here, for three years now I have been coming to look for fruit on this fig three and finding none. Cut it down: why should it be taking up the ground? ” “Sir”, the man replied, “leave it one more year and give me time to dig round it and manure it: it may bear fruit next year; if not, then you can cut it down.” While reading it the page became illuminated, enlarged and came off the lectionary towards him. Then he remembered a conversation that took place immediately after his accident. He was standing before the judgement throne of Jesus. Jesus took him through his entire priestly life and he was able to see by himself how he had failed. Jesus did not take a popularity poll. He stood alone before Jesus in Judgement. His relationship with Jesus was what mattered. The judgement was pronounced: hell was his reward – and he knew that the judgement was just. He then saw Mother Mary pleading with Jesus:” Son, will you please spare his life and his eternal soul?” The Lord replied, “Mother, he has been a priest for twelve years for himself and not for me, let him reap the punishment he deserves.” “But Son”, she said, “if we give him special graces and strengths, then let’s see if he bears fruit; if not, your will be done.” After a short pause, Jesus said, “Mother, he’s yours”. The time the priest recalled this conversation after the Gospel reading was the point of his conversion, not the time of accident: He started a priestly life, ministry for God’s glory – bearing much fruit and lasting fruit. And it is 20 years more of priesthood, not one year. The master has visited the fig tree time and again and finding much fruit has allowed it to grow and flourish. (CYRIL JOHN, Spurred by the SPIRIT. The Catholic Charismatic Renewal in the New Millennium, pp. 94-95.)

A priest isn’t ordained for his own glory. Priesthood is first of all a gift from God. It puts him in contact with others. Then he discovers God in others and becomes servant. Let us first believe in God’s mercy and take Jesus-Christ as the Model of our life. I would like to remind you, our readers, to know that the Journey to any goal of significance has its trek through the wilderness. Our eyes should be set on the Lord and His mission so that we possess the courage and strength of purpose to keep going even when the weather around is turbulent and the shore is far away. Avanti Dear Father Daniel, we do not lose heart…”For this slight momentary affliction is preparing us for an eternal weight of glory beyond all measure, because we look not at what can be seen but what cannot be seen; for what can be seen is temporary, but what cannot be seen is eternal.”(2 Cor. 4:16- 18).

While waiting for your travel to your new destination, Ivory Coast, May Our Mother, Consolata, and Our Founder’s Protection, accompany you for ever! Amen.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29
Altro in questa categoria: Tanzania: Notizie da Bunju »

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