Brasil: Seminary of São Paulo

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}On 14th of May, the General superior of the Consolata sisters Sr. Gabriela together with the counselors (responsible for the American Continent Sr. Renata) made a simple visit to the Consolata Theological seminary of São Paulo during their canonical visit to Brazil. It was all wonderful as we sat together as a community with our Sisters for some sharing.

During this moment of sharing, we as Consolata missionaries students, were all curious to know about the whereabouts of our Sisters and the progress they are taking bearing in mind that we are on the way of working as a team in some years to come from now in the mission.

Responding to some questions that were asked, we perceived the simplicity and the clarity of ideas that our sisters have. Sr.Gabriela commenting on the issue of the initial formation, she expressed their decision of changing their way of formation. According to her, this has come due to the experience they had along the history and to the changes that the society is undergoing.

She also talked about their centenary that they will be celebrating the coming year, as a Grace that God has granted to them. According to her, everything has been progress in preparation for this centenary for the last three years whereby every year they have been having a certain theme of reflection

Commenting about the opening of this centenary, she said that it will be opened in Turin in their General House and the rest of the communities will do it in their respective regions. We also shared about our inter-formation meeting that will be taking place in the coming semester here in São Paulo. She expressed a lot of enthusiasm and even shared about the experience of the inter-formation meeting that was held in the south of Italy by the Consolata students and the sisters of the juniorate.

At the end of this beautiful chat, the sisters encouraged us to keep firm on our mission aiming at the target which is Christ and the mission and always to remember each other in prayers.

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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