Not a hundred but thirty days...

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}These days when many people comment on the first hundred days of the president of the USA or the ones of the government of national unity in Zimbabwe I realized that I have already celebrated my first thirty days as a Bishop!

For my birthday I happened to receive a file from the SACBC (Southern African Catholic Bishop's Conference) where they indicate I am suppose to retire in 2036 after being a bishop for 27 years. These were the first thirty days of the next 27 years... God willing!

IZwi laba yinyama (my motto)

The first experience as a Bishop happened before the ordination during the Holy Week. We had the chrism mass at the Cathedral (Hlabisa). It was my first time there for mass. In different moments the priest-in-charge addressed the people saying “IZwi laba yinyama” and all replied “Lahlala phakathi kwethu”. The Word became flesh... and dwelt among us. I realized that after making known my motto, it immediately become part of the daily celebration of the people.

The ordination

More than two thousand people attended the celebration. They all travelled long distances to be here. Most of them had not seen me before as I had never worked in this Vicariate. This also applies to the Bishops, the priests and the religious that were present. It was a intense experience of being a Church, a family, as they all came moved by their love and faith to welcome the new Bishop.

After Mass and while the “important” guests went for lunch, I went back to the altar to receive the gifts brought by the people. If the Mass lasted a bit more than three hours, the second part continued for another hour and a half. They sang, they expressed their joy and they brought what they had and produced... maize, avos, bananas...

Meetings, plenty of them!

Visiting the secretary of the Apostolic Nuncio last week, he asked me: “How is the Vicariate?” and I honestly had to reply: “I don't know”. During the last three weeks I had to attend different meetings in other parts of the country.

The first one was the meeting of the Bishops of this province. This is a special moment for the province as this is the first time in 15 years when all the dioceses have a Bishop. Five out of eight bishops have been appointed in the last year. It is indeed a new beginning for the whole area.

We meet in the province twice a year and it is a special time to discern together the way forward and to build friendship among ourselves.

I also participated at the AGM (Annual General Meeting) on Catholic Schools. The Vicariate has two schools. It is an area we need to reflect upon and find our own way as the members of our schools are mainly non-Catholics, being the teachers or the students. While on Sundays we meet with our Catholics, at school we have a chance to meet those who do not belong to our Church and service together the community.

The coach asking the players...

Not all the meetings were outside the Vicariate. As soon as I could I asked the priests and religious of the Vicariate to gather at Mtubatuba so that we could be together for a few hours. The Vicariate does not have structures to welcome them all for a few days and the distances make it difficult for them to stay the whole day.
My first question to them was “what should I do now to start knowing better the Vicariate?”. They all suggested different things... from visiting each community for a few days to... remaining in each place for two months!

But one wondered... “this is strange for me. It is as if the coach asks the players what he should do...”. To which I replied: “enjoy it while you can... it might happen in the future that I just tell you what to do without asking you anything” and they all started laughing.


Fortunately for the next few weeks I will be in the Vicariate all the time. So I will be visiting each community for three or four days, taking time to sit down with the priests, the religious and the parish councils. Each priest will decide where I should celebrate the mass... or masses! Each Mission has between 15 to 20 outstations and it will be important for me to visit them all in the coming year.

“Rabbi... where are you staying?” (John 1,38)

One of the questions waiting for an answer is where it is I will reside. Before coming back to South Africa I was already informed that Bishop O'Shea (my predecessor) was staying at Hlabisa but... “you should choose where you want to stay”.

You will understand why. The Vicariate has five main centres: Ngwanase (where the pastoral centre is), Ingwavuma (the first mission which gives the name to the Vicariate), Hlabisa (where the Cathedral and some of the offices are), Ubombo (where we celebrate some of our meetings) and Mtubatuba (where the ordination took place). There is something for everyone.

I thought I'd be able to give an answer by May but now I see it will still take me a few months.

Being these just flashes about the first thirty days I guess that reaching a hundred a couple of pages will not be enough!

Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:39
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