Ethiopia: Discover God’s light in darkness

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}“Yes, I know what plans I have in mind for you, Yahweh declares, plans for peace, not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope”(Jer. 29:11). Reading the Scripture passage Jer. 29:10-14, it is found very comforting and reassuring in times of confusion and trials. The verse is in the midst of a prophetic letter that Jeremiah sent from Israel to the Jewish exiles in Babylon. It is about the Lord’s plans to restore and heal their relationship with Him and to bring them back to a land of bountiful goodness, blessings and life. It calls trust, prayer, love and worship. This passage is reassuring and comforting for anyone passing through difficult times. In Deuteronomy 32:11, Moses makes a comparison between God’s loving care and mother eagle’s grooming of babies: “Like an eagle watching its nest, hovering over its young, he spreads out his wings to hold him, he supports him on his pinions.”

We can learn some important lessons from this majestic creation of God called “Eagle”. An eagle mates for life and uses the same nest for life. This nest is built in a safe place, often on the edge of a sharp cliff. When the babies are born, both parents assume responsibility for their care. The parents bring food up to the nest and feed them small pieces of meat. Within 45 days they can weigh 40 times their birth weight. At three months the eagle gets special feathers for flying and a new learning experience begins. The mother eagle flies into the nest and begins to thrash around causing a great commotion. Eventually one of the babies will fall out of the nest and begin heading for the earth below. Never having used his wings before, he is not really sure what to do, but does a lot of flapping, while heading straight down! Just before the baby eagle hits the ground, the mother eagle flies underneath in order to catch the baby on her powerful wings and she flies him safely back to the nest. This goes on day after day until all the babies learn to fly.

This could happen with priests, religious and lay people, especially when involved in ministry. Our feeling of comfort to one another has to be compared to that love which the mother eagle shows to the babies. This feeling of comfort could be in relation to our way of thinking, our opinions, our way of doing things; our way of carrying on a ministry…etc. We need to let our ideas be “stirred up” by others with the view to looking for the Will of God. St. Alphonsus de Liguori says in his book, “Uniformity with God’s Will”, “Perfection is founded entirely on the love of God: (…) perfect love of God means the complete union of our will with God’s.” Dear Readers, we could be prophesying, casting out demons and working miracles in Jesus-Christ’s name, but doing it all for self-glory or extraneous considerations. What makes the deeds carried out in the power of God ‘evil’? There is only one proof, which is the proof of Love. There is no point in saying that we love a person, and then doing willingly things that break the heart of that person. Likewise, if we love Jesus-Christ, He becomes the Centre of our life and deeds. For those who love Jesus-Christ, all that they do will be in His honour and not for themselves. “If any want to become my followers, let them deny themselves… and follow me” (Lk9:23). We turn to be ‘evil- doers’ when we become egocentric, which means putting love of self at the centre of our activities, and considering it to be hub of all the experience. I believe that life in Heaven is just the copy of life on earth. Illustrating this aspect, I give the following example: it is said of Blessed Stephanie of Soncino, a Dominican nun, that she was one day carried in spirit to Heaven to see the happiness of the saints. She saw their souls mingling with the choirs of angels according to each one’s degree of merit, and noticed among the Seraphim several persons she had known before their deaths. When asked why these souls were raised to such a high degree of glory, she was told that it was because of the conformity and perfect union of their will with God’s while they lived on earth. If this conformity to the will of God raises souls to the highest degree of glory in heaven among the Seraphim, it will definitely raise them on earth to the highest degree of grace and perfection on earth. I also and again believe that God can stir up our thoughts, feelings in order that we may leave our ‘comfort zones’ and learn in due course how to be what God wants us to be. Instead of grumbling about the outcome of our missionary work, we have to see the great spiritual advantage we gain daily by cooperating with God’s Will and trying our best to act, behave and guide God’ sheep according to God’s Will and not following our personal feelings or passions.

Here is one of the testimonies of the life of St. Teresa, the Little Flower. The lives of saints seem very attractive and worth emulating. It would be good for us to have a close look at the lives they lived. The example of St. Teresa, the Little Flower is eloquent and obvious. From the “Summarium super Virtues” of the process of Beatification of Sister Teresa, an account of her brutal treatment can be read. During her postulancy, the Mistress of Novices sent Teresa into the garden every day at 4.30 pm to pluck weeds. That was a great cross to her, because she was always sure to meet Mother Gonzaga, her Superior. Mother Gonzaga used to say to her: “What useless child! Do you go for a walk every day? ” Teresa was ill-treated, not only by reproofs and humiliations; there were other trials even more painful. Sister Teresa was treated very severely by Mother Gonzaga. Today, she is venerated.

Always in darkness there is God’s Light. Troubles, mission’s challenges exist. Do not give any space to them to lead you. When you give a look around, it is obvious to give an account of lives of some people. There are so many missionaries into the world wide who got several troubles during their missionary works, such as during wars, sickness, misunderstandings… Others were even called the unfitted people for the religious life before being admitted for their last vows, diaconal and priestly ordination. In the end, the Will of God powerfully triumphed. Today, those missionaries are the models of so many others. They are great missionaries. Do not be desperate because God knows Himself why He calls us. St Paul lists perseverance and the virtue of hope as the fruits borne when the Christian is able to exult in the face of hardship. “We also boast of our troubles, because we know that trouble produces endurance, endurance brings God’s approval, and his approval creates hope. This hope does not disappoint us, for God has poured his love into our hearts by means of the Holy Spirit…” (Rom 5:3-5). My Dears, stop grumbling and start smiling!!!! For God has a mighty plan for you, and all of us!!!

God! Be always our Comfort during the time of misunderstandings, troubles, Amen!
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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