Corpus Christi - An Invitation for Solidarity

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}“…Send them away so that they may go into the surrounding countryside and villages and buy themselves something to eat’, but he answered them, ‘you give them something to eat...” (Mk. 6, 36-37). We are all used to hear these words narrated by the evangelist mark. But I say that it was so nice to hear them repeated in the celebration of the solemnity of the body and blood of Christ (Corpus Christi).

In Brazil, the solemnity of the Corpus Christi is given a very special attention even by the non-Catholics. Just to have an idea of how it is important for all the Brazilians, on this day, it is an official holiday in the whole country. The most beautiful thing is to see the long processions done by the faithful, which sometimes, are not even Catholics. However, that is not the apex of the celebration. Our aim is to look on the positive invitation done to the faithful on this great day. On this year, I had the chance to participate and celebrate the solemnity in the great São Paulo. I participated to the celebration in the parish of Our Lady of Penha, which is one of the Consolata parishes in São Paulo. This parish is situated in the outskirts of the great northern zone of São Paulo. In fact, it touches the poor parts of the northern part of the city. In this parish, we meet three Consolata missionaries who help in evangelization of the communities – i.e., Fr. Kamau Joachim from Kenya, Fr. Célio Pedro and Fr. Mario both from Brazil.

The message passed on this celebration was clear and to the point. Fr. Célio, who shared the reflection of the day, was so inspired by the spirit that he started the reflection by saying, ‘the body and blood of Christ is a mystery which goes past time and space to be celebrated by all generations. This is because, the Eucharist, is our Pascal mystery. It is the most marvelous gift of the lord to us, font and apex of life of the true church. And that is why we are all united today in the whole world, as one family, to proclaim, full of joy and happiness, the great gift of the Eucharist.’ On his homily, it came out several points, which are very important to reflect when we think of the mystery of the body and blood of Christ. First and foremost, the nature of incarnation leaves us astonished. This humiliation of god to take a human body leaves us with mysteries to answer. But I would prefer to emphasize on the logic of the kingdom in the mystery of the Corpus Christi to discuss about incarnation.

Jesus said, ‘you give them something to eat...’ (Mk. 6, 36-37). It is very easy to talk of Christ who feeds us with his body and blood. But then? Mother Theresa de Calcutta used to say that the same Christ we meet in the tabernacle is the same Christ we meet in the road, somewhere without food, clothe, water, shelter etc. It is very easy to talk of Jesus, his body and blood, which gives us spiritual life, but we forget to make this spiritual life part and purse of brotherly life, fraternal life. The greatness of the mystery does not only lie in the presence of Jesus contemplated only on our hearts and in the tabernacle, but also in authentic concern for our brothers and sisters, especially the poor. ‘Who would be happy to be satisfied totally when his neighbour is dyeing of hunger? Asked Fr. Célio. If Jesus wished to share his body and blood with us, every day, we are also called to share with our brothers and sisters our common bread and water, we are totally called to be in solidarity with the poor. The mystery and the greatness of the Eucharist lies on the force to share in solidarity.

Note that Jesus took the bread, gave thanks and he gave to his disciples to distribute to the people (mk. 6, 41). We, as Disciples of Christ, are called, and should learn it, to participate in this sharing of bread, not only among us (Catholics, friends, known, etc.) but with all who need the bread. It is necessary to remember that the catholic social teaching is built on a commitment to the poor. This commitment arises, however, from our experiences of Christ in the Eucharist. And it is exactly the call we have when we celebrate the Corpus Christi. On his life, once celebrating the corps Christi, has ever said John Paul II that the whole church as such, is directly called to the service of charity. In the very early days the church added the agape to the Eucharistic supper , and thus showed herself to be wholly united around Christ by the bond of charity…Charity gives life and sustains the works of solidarity that look to the total needs of the human being (john Paul II, christifideles laici). And in deep sense, this is celebrating Corpus Christi.

The readings of this day refer to a meal that is shared and to the effects of that meal. The Eucharist is to remind us that we share one bread and thus we are one people. This meal calls us to unity and solidarity. It calls us to move beyond pure contemplation to contemplation in action. Jesus reminds us that we are nourished for the ‘life of the world’. The celebration of Corpus Christi sends us forth for a mission of solidarity and life in the world. The Eucharist celebrates and challenges our sharing and relationship with each other. The Eucharist is about sharing food and God’s life. As we reflect on the mystery behind the Corpus Christi today in 2009, we must reflect on the recent dramatic increases in food prices especially in the developing world. There have been riots about food in the poor parts of the world. Even in the developed world, some people have been struggling with the crises of food, and so forth.

It is very important to question ourselves as we celebrate this great mystery of Corpus Christi; are we celebrating our solidarity as the living mystical body of Christ? Does the Eucharist empower us for action – for life? How are we in solidarity with the poor in our communities and in the world? And so many other questions which should rise when we think of actualizing the body and blood of Christ.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29
Altro in questa categoria: Via Matris - VI giorno »

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