In Memoriam of Giovanni Scudiero

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}It is with great sadness that we have to share the news that Giovanni Scudiero died on Sunday morning 14 June 2009. Pat Gaffney, Coordinator of Pax Christi UK, was with him all of Saturday and during his last night as were his brothers and sisters. According to Pat, he had a terrible struggle for the last hours... as for the last two weeks... such a trial but through it all he was serene, ready, lucid and as critical as ever...What a great loss to us all. Many friends have been so wonderful in keeping Giovanni in their prayers and thoughts, especially the last weeks and months.

Giovanni was a member of the Consolata Missionary Fathers and has worked with them in South Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, the United States and in London, where he was Dean of Studies at the Missionary Institute. He was an Executive Committee Member of the British section of Pax Christi between 1991 and 1998, during which time he played an important role in helping to develop the theology and spirituality of non-violence and peace making. During this time he took full responsibility for the Pax Christi British sections’ IT needs. Giovanni has also been involved in practical support for the Pax Christi Youth Hostel that took place in London each summer. In addition to this he took part in the planning of the Triennial World Assembly of London 1997 and has represented the British Section at these and other international meetings. Giovanni was elected to the Pax Christi International Executive Committee at the 2004 Triennial World Assembly. He had a special interest in Non violent Social Change and in the development of peace theology and spirituality of non-violence and peace-making. Giovanni participated in a visit to Israel and Palestine of Pax Christi International while doing his Sabbatical leave in the Holy Land some years ago. He was the national coordinator of the Justice and Peace Commission of the Conference of Missionary Institutes in Italy and an active member of Pax Christi Italy.

His life was a blessing to all who knew him. We pass our sincere Christian condolences to the family of Giovanni. We offer our prayers to all who have known Giovanni. May he rest in the Peace of our Lord. 

Reaction from Patriarch Michel Sabbah
“I received with great pain the news of the passing away of Fr Giovanni. He was so near to every one, to me too. I present my sincere condolences to all of you, to his relatives, and to his friends. This morning, 16 June, as I have received the notice of his death, just before saying Mass, I will offer the Mass for the repose of his soul. May God give him His eternal rest and keep in all of us the hope of the Resurrection. Michel Sabbah Patriarch Emeritus.”
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29
Altro in questa categoria: Via Matris - VIII giorno »

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