Etiopia: I miei 65 anni di vita

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}May God bless our Confrere Reverend Fr. MENEGHINI RENZO forever. Amen!

Since I am in this world, it is rare to hear other people bearing witness to the life of a person while he is living. On most occasions witnesses are borne when the person is not alive. I would not like to get into the habit of only speaking or thinking very highly of a person when he passed away. It sometimes happened that when a person was alive, after discovering some of his weaknesses, instead of seeing the values he could have, most of the cases we passed our times and were interested in categorizing and giving an image of him according to his weaknesses.

Others were even rejected and daily criticized not because of their weaknesses, but due to the difference of opinions. All the values of that person were not recognized. Any act done by that person was unwell interpreted. We easily heard mere speculation on that everywhere. But when that person died, even all those who did not like or love him were the first people to speak and think very highly of him. I used to be amazed. What to do! In the end I realize that it is World’s reality. In my short article, I would kindly like to talk about one of our Confreres, Reverend Fr. Meneghini Renzo. From July 14, he is 65. He has been doing his missionary’s work in Ethiopia for many years. Based on the real facts, since my presence in the Ethiopian region, I have been discovering that Rev. Fr. Meneghini Renzo is a very kind Confrere. He is always at our disposal for welcoming; listening. Knowing him a little bit more I am adamant that our Confrere is really somebody capable to share with. He gives the desire to talk without any fear, to have fun and to roar with laughter. His smile is always coming from his deep heart and not the superficial smile. I could say more but would you please allow me to limit there. I’m sharing my own and personal experience and the one from my Confrere Fr. Leandro Chequela who is in the same community with Fr. Renzo. Dear Reverend Fr. Renzo Meneghini, while celebrating your birthday, I pray God to make you always a very kind person so that others may also find God’s kindness in you. I personally realize now why Ferraro Fabio (Consolata Lay in Gambo) always calls you: “Gentilissimo Signore Padre Renzo Meneghini.” You are a good confrere and deserve to be called this way. You are a Humdinger. Your presence makes us happy.

Cheers! HAPPY BIRTHDAY Reverendo Padre Renzo Menighini, Cheers!

May Our Lady Consolata and our Founder, Allamano, accompany you always, Amen!
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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