Ten years serving the church and the world

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}It was not by coincidence that the pope Benedict XVI declared the year 2009 the year of the priest. Even if for many might sound to be, for Fr. Francis Njoroge is not. He has reason to affirm his position. This same year, he celebrates ten years of service and mission as an ordained Consolata priest. Fr. Francis was ordained on 7th of august of 1999, in Kenya. In this year, 2009, he has all the reason to be happy as he celebrates these ten years of ups and downs – but always in the service of the church and the world.

Presiding a solemn mass in the theological seminary of São Paulo, brazil, filled with lots of remembrances of these ten years, Fr. Francis expressed his joy in few words – he started with low tone as always he does, ‘ser padre não só vida boa!” – a common expression used in brazil to mean – been a priest is not only a good life! But what did what to say by that? Slowly by slowly he broke up the gel and he went on expressing himself in half Spanish, half Portuguese, but all in all passing the message with a lot of humility and mildness. It is clear that, for him, the priest’s fundamental relationship is to Jesus Christ, head and shepherd. He stressed that the priest participates in a specific way and authoritative way in the consecration and in the mission of Christ. (Lk. 4, 18-19). However, intimately linked to this relationship is the priest’s relationship with the church. Francis made us understand that the priest’s relation to the church is inscribed in the very relation which the priest has to Christ. Hence, in as much as he represents Christ the head, shepherd and spouse of the church, the priest is placed not only in the church but also in the forefront of the church and the world by vow of his service.

Happy for being a Consolata missionary and for having worked in three different countries, Fr. Francis reminded us that the ministry of the priest is entirely on behalf of the church; it aims at promoting the exercise of the common priesthood of the entire people of God; it is ordered not only to the particular church but also to the universal church.

Encouraging us like his young brothers in the mission of preaching the kingdom of God, Fr. Francis wished that the good God, who has called us to this mission, would lead us up to its fulfillment. He called us to overcome the many contradictions and potentialities which mark our society and culture, as well as our communities, and to experience with a lot of intensity, the uniqueness of Christ as our motivation – which he called, “nossa chinessa”, in a parabolic way, to serve the church and the world.

The countries which Fr. Francis has served the church and the world as a Consolata ordained priest, in these ten years, are: Colombia, Venezuela and Brazil – the present mission.

Our prayer and wish is that Fr. Francis may have the liberty and the grace of God to continue with this service of the people of God with great motivation drawn from our founder, blessed José Allamano, our mother and consoler – Consolata, but with a particular belonging and configuration to Jesus Christ and with the authority of serving the church and the world in the name and in the person of him who is head and shepherd of the church.

Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:35

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