Christmas to advent: are they just seasons?

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}It is already September and in two months time, the ordinary time will end, opening the doors for advent and Christmas. That will see us move through Christmastide to the Lenten period and before we realise it, we will be back again in the ordinary time. For one who is not a keen Catholic Christian, the liturgical seasons can easily become just seasons and nothing more.  For a strong Christian however, the liturgical seasons are opportunities to grow towards God i.e. a chance to transcend ourselves.  The capacity of us to transcend ourselves, is manifested by the struggle we undergo to find true fulfilment. The liturgical seasons are planned to take care of the struggles we undergo as Christians, our effort to recognise and acknowledge God’s creation, praise him for his loving kindness for us, and request him to forgive our failures in those efforts of worshipping and praising him, as he should be.

We are attracted by progressive forces, but also pulled by regressive forces. As a result, we find ourselves between sin and virtue, freedom and determinism, love and selfishness, etc; yet, even with this aspect of our being, we are called to live interpersonally towards the fulfilment of ourselves and of others. For this reason, Advent begins with making us aware of the need to prepare ourselves spiritually to receive the Son of God at Christmas, and to share it with others; hence the spirit of generosity associated with the period of Christmas to Christmastide.

The season of Lent is meant to help us recognise our frailties, to acknowledge the need for humility before God, and to repent for our sinfulness as a way of preparing to celebrate the salvific event of our Lord Jesus Christ at Easter. As such, the liturgical seasons are ideally meant to help us grow spiritually throughout the year towards our Creator. The growth is based on our ability to grasp the beckoning light of the absolute good (God), the ability to opt freely to move towards him, and to lean on that good as all that we need for a meaningful existence and destiny. If we manage through the activities of the different liturgical seasons to grow spiritually, the result is self-transcendence, which points to the fact that we are beings whom God talks to as partners, and beings who are able to listen to the voice of their Creator and to answer it. Yes, this points to the fact that we are the pinnacle of God’s creation; hence our ability to discover truth, to dialogue with him, and to grow towards that fulfilment in freedom.

The variety of activities in the liturgical seasons points to our ability to choose. This freedom is founded on the freedom of God, who does not impose himself on anyone, but leaves us free to believe him or deny him. The staunch Catholic Christian accepts the risk of trusting God, living like him as demonstrated by Jesus Christ our Saviour two thousand years ago here on earth, and loving as he loves. All these are supposed to be reflected in our normal human relationships. That is trusting others, learning to live harmoniously with them and loving them as the heavenly Father does. The actualisation of this makes us spiritually grownup persons, ones who not only do not renounce humanity, or live away from the worldly realities, but also who live every fragment of their existence in a believing attitude. This is the goal of the liturgical seasons. Yes, to live and grow towards God our Father through proper relationships with other people.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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