September - a month dedicated to the Word of God “ The Bible”

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}Man cannot live on bread alone, but in every word that comes from the mouth of God (Mat 4:4)

The month of September is a month which the church dedicates to reflect about the word of God –  “the Bible”. This month was chosen by the church because on 30th of September  we celebrate the memorial of St. Jerome (340-420dc) one of the greatest bible scholars who translated the Bible from its original languages (Hebrew and Greek) to Latin, by then the language used in the liturgy of the church.

The bible is a library of books. It is in fact the work which is well known in the planet with the greatest number of translations present in many countries of the world. Unfortunately we don’t relate with it in the ideal way.  We are beginning the month of September , known as the month of the bible. It is a great opportunity to examine our life and see what value do we give to this book so special to those who are true followers of Christ; the way, the truth and the life.

The bible is a covenant of love which God left for all humanity. In the bible we find the intentions and  treasures which God has for us, and if we don’t open it, we don’t realize what God has for us. Let us ask the light of the Holy Spirit to fight any kind of laziness towards the reading of the holy scripture. In every word, every letter and every phrase perceive and hear the voice of God that speaks to our heart every time we read. We cannot survive without food, in the same way our faith cannot be strong without the spiritual nourishment which is the word of God. The more intimacy we have with the word of God the more we shall have with the Lord himself.

“Your word O lord is a lamp to guide me and a light of my path” (Ps 119:105)

All the scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, correcting and teaching justice. The Bible reveals the project, the face and the mystery of God in our lives. It is a long history of God working among his people the patriarchs, the prophets until the coming of the Messiah. Many things have passed; times, years, many things have changed, empires have risen and fallen but the word of God continues the same, lamp and guide for those who believe.  The bible is not an historical book, and that is why we don’t find the happenings chronologically arranged; but it is a religious book with aim and capability of announcing and denouncing sins, injustice, inhuman situations, poverty, exploitation, exclusion, immorality, marginalization etc. That is what was done by the prophets and Jesus in some occasions and we too are called to do the same. Our baptism makes us adopted children of God and heirs of the kingdom of God making us share in the three divine offices of Christ;  Prophetic – where we are called to prophesize and denounce all sorts of sin and evil present in the world. Kingly – in which we are called to reign over and defeat the reign of the Devil by our testimonies, words and deeds;  and in the Priestly in which we are called to offer a sacrifice our life, time, pleasures, likes and even our material thing to God and to others. We shall really come to understand the word of God when it will come to our knowledge that we are not the owners of what we think we possess, but all that belongs to God. We are just mere administrators of what is God’s. That means we shall give account of all that the lord has given to our care.

 Therefore  in this month of September, we should try to read and reread the bible, because every time we read it we have new ideas and new understanding of the text. The bible should not be like an ornament in our houses but our daily spiritual food. I finish the reflection with the words of St. Paul “Everything written in the scriptures was written to teach us, in order that we might have hope through the patience and the encouragement which the scripture gives us. And may God the source of patience and encouragement, enable u to have the same point of view among yourselves by following the example of Christ Jesus, so that with one voice we may together praise God the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.”  (Rom15:4-6)
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:35
Altro in questa categoria: Allamano does yet another miracle »

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