Bravo! Congratulations Fr. Anthony Kazibwe imc

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}We met fr. Kazibwe for the first time 12 years ago when we entered the Consolata family.  By then he was our teacher and also was a formator in the Consolata philosophical seminary. We remember the first question which he put to us in the first encounter in the classroom after a brief introduction of each one was; why are you here?  It was such a strange question for us and in fact in most of our minds we thought he did not want us to be there. With all our faces down fearing that he will spot on one to give an answer he went ahead to answer it himself.

I hope, he said, each and every one of you is here to become a Consolata Missionary otherwise you are mistaken. If you don’t have the right intention it is the time to purify it and adjust your goal. There were good, strong, challenging and inspiring words which we really treasured. It took time for us to discover that they were the words of our Founder Blessed Joseph Allamano. 

Fr. Kazibwe used to tell us that only stones and mountains that do not meet. But, for us we shall meet somewhere in this marvelous world or in the missions for those who would make it to become Consolata missionaries. For me it seem like a dream when I counted the many years of formation which were ahead. But what seems to be impossible to us through prayer and trust in God becomes possible. The words of Fr. Kazibwe were fulfilled on 21/09/2009 on the feast of Saint Mathew apostle and evangelist where two of his students Fr. Daniel and Fr. Josephat together with the Madadeni community celebrated 18 years his priest hood.

Asking Fr. Kazibwe about how he feels celebrating 18 years of priesthood, he answered in his joyful and joking manner “it is a struggle and we aren’t sure until we enter in that ‘box’ or rather until our last breath.” As Mathew, he also heard the voice of Jesus calling and he followed him. We should pray always. This is the only way in which we shall overcome the difficulties and the dangers of life in the missions. We should strive for deeper understanding and respect for our own vocation thanking the Lord always and asking him to grant to us the strength and constancy to respond to it worthily.

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29
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