Ethiopia: Empowering the helpless

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}On Thursday September 24, 2009; we got a gleeful sharing with Fr. Renato Saudelli, Imc about his work with some artists. Actually, Fr. Renato has been working in Ethiopian region for 26 years. While working in the artist’s studio in Makanissa in Addis Abeba, I interviewed him.

Fr. Jean- Marie: Good morning Fr. Renato Saudelli. How are you doing?
Fr. Renato: I am doing fine.

Fr. Jean-Marie:
Dear Fr. Renato, who made the painting which you hold in your hand?
Fr. Renato: Fitium Teshome, who just graduated from the Fine Arts Department of Addis Ababa University.

Fr. Jean-Marie : Great Fr. Renato. He looks so young. Is he really among the ones who did the painting which you carry?
Fr. Renato: Mama mia! Of course, Yes. He is also making more than this. In fact, in the last four years, he was awarded as the best artist.

Fr. Jean-Marie: Did he get the possibility to learn it from the university or is it just the talent gotten from God?
Fr. Renato: Firstly, it is his talent. Then, I helped him to improve his knowledge. He upgraded in the university and has a diploma. fitium Teshome is not the only one we helped so far. They are so many boys and girls. We orientated them according to their talents. They were some who studied law, others accountancy, teaching, nursing, medical doctors…I personally and daily thank God for giving us good people who are still sustaining us and those children in their studies. It is so great and we keep on reporting to them about the evolution of our work and children lives. Also, the work produced such as drawing and painting, Christmas and Easter post cards are sold and we are getting some funds as income. Even tough it is not too much but it is a good contribution.

Fr. Jean-Marie: I also thank God together with you for giving us good people who are making a lot of sacrifices in their lives for sending us funds. May God bless all of them. Amen! But Dear Fr.Renato, don’t you see that the most important help to those children is only to empower them so that they become responsible for their own lives?
Fr. Renato: That is exactly my first and the hearty wish to those children. After supporting them for studies, I want them to organize themselves their future, self-sufficient and to eliminate the dependency.

Fr. Jean-Marie: If it is this way, I completely agree with you.
Fr. Renato: Thank you Fr. Jean-Marie.

Fr. Jean-Marie: I really thank you for allowing me to ask you some questions with regard to your missionary work with artists. Would you, please, say your last word to conclude our sharing?
Fr. Renato: I am here for the poor people, the abandoned ones. That is my mission. With the financial support of the good people from Italy specially, we are capable to give life and future to the Children.

Fr. Jean-Marie: Thank you Fr. Renato. May God bless you and your friends who are supporting those children. Amen!
Fr. Renato: Thank you Fr. Jean-Marie for disposing your time to hear from me.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29
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