The center of the Bible

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}As we approach the end of the month of September, a month dedicated to the Bible “word of God ”, is good to ask ourselves how it functioned. Was it like any other of the months? Where is the word of God in our lives?
Here is a very interesting, strange, wonderful and even exciting discovery about the Bible;

Quiz 1: which is the shortest chapter of the Bible? Answer – Psalm 117
Quiz 2: which is the longest chapter of the Bible? Answer – Psalm 119
Quiz 3: which chapter is at the middle or the center of the Bible? Answer - Psalm 118

In fact there are 594 chapters before psalm 118 and 594 chapter after psalm 118. If we sum the chapters before and after psalm 118 we get 1188.

Quiz 4: which verse is at the middle of the Bible? Answer – Psalm 118:8 –“it is better to trust in the Lord than to depend on human beings”.

Does this verse speak something significant about the will of God in our lives? Definitely yes. Is it not strange how this worked out? That teaches us that God is at the center of His word and also our lives. He promised that everything in the world will pass but none of his words will pass unfulfilled.

If we go back to the second decade of the 19th century we remember that celebrating 1500 years of the death of St. Jerome, the holy father Pope Benedict XV wrote the encyclical Spiritus Paraclitus in which he encouraged the reading of the holy scripture saying that is divinely inspired and should be studied for our devotion and preaching. Therefore the Holy Scripture should awaken our love for God in our hearts and we should be ready to go out and preach what we read putting it into practice. St. Thomas Aquinas used to say that we cannot give what we do not have; there if we study and devout ourselves to the word of God, we shall definitely preach what is divine but not our own human liking and thinking. And by so doing we shall be faithful servants in the vineyard of the Lord.

“Come follow me, and I will make you fishers of men” (Mk 1:17)
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:35

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