“Quo vadis” South Africa?

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}This year South Africa celebrated 15 years of democracy. In fact, once again South Africans have shown commitment in building a democratic culture. There is a national consciousness of democracy. The way the elections have been held is a sign of a mature democracy. We will not be exaggerating if we say that the victory belongs to all South Africans who voted on 22 April 2009, during which the ANC won 77% of the votes, and Mr Jacob Zuma became the 3rd democratically elected president. “

We all know that democracy doesn’t find expression only at the ballot box”. The victory on these elections represents the will of the people of South Africa. South Africa’s 15 years of democracy has brought improvement in housing program, social grants, proper service delivery, education and economic growth.

Another face of the coin…

However, in spite of the government’s efforts to build a better South Africa, there is still much to be done. Millions of South Africans are still living in abject poverty and lacking basic necessities, while HIV/AIDS remains “the greatest threat to our country’s health and security”. In addition, the country has experienced a number of strikes: first were those working in public hospitals, and then followed by municipal workers, post office personnel among others… We as Consolata missionaries living in the midst of the people have never stopped giving them hope, Jesus Christ, the true consolation. We must all bear in mind that change does not come within a day. It is in this respect that we all need to give our full support to the new government as it tries to deconstruct the former states of affairs and reconstruct a new South Africa that will truly be a rainbow nation, as it is always known.

2010. What does 2010 stands for? Asked a confrere who had just arrived in South Africa.

In South Africa 2010 has become a magic number. Everybody knows it, everybody speaks about it and everybody thinks about it. There is a lot of excitement around it. It is spoken of in various dimensions; political, social and spiritual. Few days ago a Priest made an appeal on Southern Cross (a Catholic weekly magazine) saying that parishes must be ready to offer spiritual services to the people who will be coming for the 2010 event. He said liturgical services, such as Holy masses and confessions should be offered in different languages whenever possible in order to answer the spiritual needs of the tourists who will come for 2010. In a nut shell, 2010 is associated with the world cup which will be hosted in South Africa (the first to be held in the continent). Preparations are underway and efforts are being made by various sectors to welcome this great event.

To show how important the 2010 event means to South Africa, the Department of education has said “All educational Institutions in South Africa have to comply with the Soccer Wold Cup arrangements and have to plan their schedules for 2010 accordingly. This necessitates an earlier start of the academic year”. For instance, St Joseph’s Theological Institute where the Consolata seminarians study theology has opted to begin the academic year on January 26 instead of February as has always been the case. You might be asking yourself, what difference does it make? Yes it does make a difference. Many congregations studying at Cedara do dedicate the last two weeks of January for their community activities especially spiritual retreats and elaboration of their communitarian plan of life before the start of a new academic year. But, there is more, for instance, some congregations which have their novices finishing their year of novitiate in December, and who intend to join Cedara for their theological studies, may find it difficult to set up all the necessary documents (visas) and join the school in time. This is just to show the atmosphere that surrounds South Africa now: joy, excitement and a lot of work in order to welcome it nicely.


What is up in the catholic church in South Africa?…

The general sentiment in the Catholic Church is of gratefulness to the Holy Father for being generous to the church of South Africa in appointing Bishops to some dioceses which were “sede vacant”. Fr Jose Ponce de Leon, IMC, born in Argentina, was elected Bishop of Ingwavuma. Fr Stanislaw Dziuba, the Pauline father, born in Poland was elected Bishop of Umzimkulu. Jan De Groef, born in Belgium, Missionaries of Africa, was elected Bishop of Bethlehem. Fr Adam Musialek, SCJ was elected Bishop of De Aar. Indeed, the Catholic Church is missionary and universal.

Another relevant event within the Catholic Church in South Africa is the fact that Pope Benedict XVI has named His Eminence Cardinal Wilfrid Napier Of Durban as one of the three African Cardinals to act as his delegate presidents for the October special Synod of Bishops for Africa.

The year of the priests in South Africa was welcomed at all levels. All dioceses had an official opening. The parishes as well opened the year of the priest with various activities. For instance, at Madadeni where Consolata Missionaries are serving, it was so beautiful to see lay people explaining to the Parish community the letter of the Pope for the year of the priests. At St Martin de Porres in Woodlands, members of Divine Mercy have committed themselves to praying every Wednesday for the priests. They have posted a book at the entrance of the church where each member of the sodality signs and writes the time she has spent praying for the priests. It is an interesting initiative, especially to see their joy and faithfulness in doing it. Days ago Fr Pepe, a Comboni missionary, received a call from a member of St Mary’s Parish who wanted to inform him that at St. Mary’s, all the names of the priests working in the diocese of Durban were given so that Christians can pray for them. “I don’t know you, but on Sunday I picked your name to pray for you,” he said. “I want to assure you Father that I am praying for you”. Many people are involved in this special year of the Priests.

IMC delegation in South Africa

Visitors are a blessing: We have been blessed because we were visited by Fr. Mathew Ouma, general counsellor for Africa, and a month later Fr. Francisco Lopez, general counsellor for Europe and Asia who is also in charge of formation. Later on, Frs. Marco Marini the outgoing general administrator and Cogliati the incoming general administrator visited the delegation of South Africa and they gave a 3 day workshop on administration in line with the Consolata spirituality.

Another important event in the delegation was the consecration of Msgr Jose Luis Ponce de Leon, IMC, as bishop of Ingwavuma vicariate. This event took place at Mtubatuba on 18 April 2009. Almost all members of the delegation were present in the event.

The delegation grows in number and in quality: Frs Daniel and Josephat appointed to South Africa as missionaries have arrived. They are studying isisutho and isizulu respectively. Their presence brought new missionary enthusiasm and strength in serving the people of God. Fr. Pendawazima another Consolata Missionary appointed to South Africa is yet to arrive.

Last but not least, “summa cum laude” goes to the Consolata missionaries serving in South Africa. The delegation has organized a kind of “come and see” for the confrerers of Merrivale theological seminary. It was a moment where our students of theology went to see and live the mission in concrete. Surely, it was an extraordinary sharing of experiences between those who have been in the country longer and those who have just arrived. In fact, we were deeply impressed by the pastoral activities done by the Consolata missionaries in South Africa.
Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:35

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