Evangelization: Oh yes, we need the podium

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}We should not cheat ourselves any more. We must make un effort to achieve a point of equilibrium. One of the mayor problems with us believers is that we are not able to use an inclusive lenguage when we share our religious point of view. We are like a pendulum that is always or in one extreme or on the other. When we talk of evangelization, there is no room for urguing that life testimony is very important, in fact it is her backbone. But let me remind everybody here that the mere proclamation of the Word of God in the podium, even if for some human limitations the preacherman does not carry a life style worthy his message, is as well very importante.

On the same line, lets not forget that testimony life does not always impact everybody positively. I mean virtuous life is not always atracitve to all people. For instante, we religious think that we are making a great effort to live well as cristians consacrated to God but there are people who our life says absolutely nothing to them. Jesus was a man of acts but a good number of people did not accept neither his teachings nor himself. There came a time, the bible says, when Jesus were abandoned by almost all of his followeres.

We should know that humanity is sinful and when we associate so much evangelization with sanctity many people feel unworthy for that. I have met so many catholics who do not dare do anything in church because they fear not to be virtuous enough to do so. Should we wait until we are sanctified to start preaching the Word of God?.

I think, to hammer the massage home, we should live a good life as cristians but also we should proclaim like Jhon the Baptist of this good life. The two need each other. The moment we consacrate one method in detriment of the others we are already going astray. There was a time the church insisted so much on the sacraments forgetting of the Word which was wrong. Another time we underlined so much on Comunion leaving aside the music which was a great sin. If you want a good ceremony everything is important: the comunión, the Word, the music, the prayers, the vestiments etc. The same applies to Evangelizacion, we need life testimony, we need formidable preaching, we need music, we need good temples, we need prayers, we need good benches etc.

We have read books over God without knowing the life style of their authors but always it has been of great help to us. I know that the best a cristian can do is not only talk about God but live God, that is our cristian utopia. But life is not as easy as we write of it, in many occation we find that we have taught things which cost us blood sweat to live them. Even though, i think we should push on. A nice text from Paul´s letter to the Corinthians goes: But we hold this treasure in pots of earthnware, so that the immensity of the power is God´s and not our own. 2 Cor. 4,7-8. Thats why I think we need the podium, the microphones and good bufflets to shout out that JESUS IS ALIVE even if we are still sinners, without justifying the sinful life of course.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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