Kenya: Brand New State of the Art Language Centre Opening its doors

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage} The Consolata Language Centre in Nairobi is opening its doors to the public on 14th January 2010. As a start, the Centre is going to present four languages: English, Kiswahili, Italian and French. All the four languages are to be offered from beginner to diploma level.

I would like to present to you the concept of the Consolata Language Centre.

The Centre is based on one basic idea. It is to be a Computer Assisted Language Learning Centre (CALL). This idea is supported by four concrete pillars of the multimedia technology: Interactive audio network actualized by the Language Laboratory, Video network actualized by the amphitheatre, Computer network actualized by computer booths and the multimedia library actualized by the centre library which is a point of collection of materials for language learning and teaching.


How is the Centre Organized?

When a student places his or her desire to learn a language in the Centre, the Centre will conduct a placement test to know the level or the capacity of student. This test of assessment of the student will help to assign the student to the right level of his capacity.

The Centre will have a Maximum number of 14 and Minimum number 6 students per class.

A student may only move to the next level if they have scored at least 60% on the end of level assessment set by the Centre.

Courses will start every 2nd week of the month.

There will be 4 levels of each language offered

  • Beginner       Level 1      60 hours     3 weeks
  • Elementary   Level 2     100 hours    5 weeks
  • Intermediate  Level 3      80 hours     4 weeks
  • Advanced      Level 4      80 hours     4 weeks

At the moment 3 programs are being offered

1.Intensive program

These will be 4 hours daily, Monday to Friday

Example: Intensive from level 1 to 4

340 hours (4 hours a day, that is 20 hours a week) making the course 5 months, including 2 weeks for assessment.

Other intensive programs taken as single levels will take the time specified inclusive of assessments.

2.Prolonged/Extended Program

These will be 6 hours a week, Mon, Wed, Fri

  • Beginner      Level1        60 hours      10 weeks
  • Elementary  Level 2      100 hours      17 weeks
  • Intermediate Level 3        80 hours      14 weeks
  • Advanced     Level 4       80 hours       14 weeks

3.Individual/Tailor made/needs based program

The student and the center will draw up a program to specific needs at times convenient to both.

The general objectives of the all language courses are

  • To develop receptive, (listening and reading) and productive (speaking and writing) skills in the student.
  • To equip the student with the above skills and enable them build on in future so as to master the language.

Language is the best tool for an evangelizer to have. We therefore hope that our students will have a good place and time to learn, speak and write in languages.
Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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