Ethiopia: General Direction’s visit

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}From December 14 to 20, 2009; all of us IMC Ethiopian region members were gathered in Addis Ababa for welcoming our Father General, Fr. Aquileo and our Continental Councillor, Fr. Mathew Ouma. The visit was preceded by a very clear formula and timetable from our regional Superior, Fr. Antony Vismara in his circular letter to each IMC missionary. The visit also offered opportunities such as of getting personal dialogues with Frs. Aquileo and Mathew with regard to the personal life, community life and other experiences.

Lastly the visit was concluded by the general assembly, in which Father General shared with us some news about our Congregation; personnel’s situation, economic situation of the IMC Ethiopian region and in the end his contribution to the African Synod which took place in Rome on October, 4 - 25, 2009. In fact, the whole text of the Father General’s contribution is found in Casa Madre of November 2009. As recall, the Father General briefly reminded all of us to know that the reconciliation has been topic of many theological sharing all over the world. It has become the daily bread of the society’s reality. As summary of the Father General’s contribution, mostly our daily behaviours are manifestations of many factors which we accumulated during some time and then transform into the “memoria-grata”. A better way of curing that “memoria-grata” is the forgiveness and the reconciliation. He invited all of us to take advantage of forgiving and reconciling one another, because there is no Peace without forgiveness. As Jesus-Christ’s followers, we have to be instruments of peace as was St Francis of Assis ’s prayer: “God, make me instrument of your peace…”

Wishing one another Merry Christmas and Prosperous New Year 2010, we all found ourselves in the dining room for a sumptuous celebration, accompanied by Penettone(Italian Cake), nice wine and whisky, local beers, nice meal and so on… Then, on behalf of the whole IMC Ethiopian Region, our Regional Superior, Fr. Antony Vismara, warmly thanked the Father General and the Continental Councillor for dedicating their time to be with us during the above-mentioned time. To all of you, Sisters, Brothers, Confreres, Friends and people of good will:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2010 blessed abundantly by our God!

Ultima modifica il Giovedì, 05 Febbraio 2015 20:29

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