Mongolia: In Alvaiheer the local community with Consolata Missionaries celebrate Christmas

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono
{mosimage}The Consolata Missionaries working in Arvaiheer - Mongolia 430km from Ulaanbaatar, the capital city, marked this year’s celebration of Christmas with the local community.

The solemn Mass of Christmas started at 5pm presided over by Fr Ernesto and concelebrated by the rest of the fathers. Since in Mongolia Christmas day is not a public holiday it was planned to celebrate the Mass in the evening so as to allow people to be present after their day’s work or school.

During this period, the community of the Consolata missionaries living in the capital city had come to celebrate the Christmas together with the community living in Arvaiheer. The celebration of the Mass was well animated by a choir of the centre led by a competent musician sr. Gertrude MC. As the celebration was going on, many people continued entering the ger church. This made the sisters keep on organizing better the sitting positions and bringing more benches to allow everyone attending the Mass to be sitted. Despite the windy and cold weather the local community came to mark the birthday of our lord Jesus Christ.

Asking Sr Giovanna, MC the well experienced sacristan of the center whether she expected such a great multitude of children, youth, men and women who came to attend the Christmas Mass she responded, “Being a day of work and school, a very cold day and almost late evening hours I never expected such a big group.”

The Consolata Missionaries have been working in this area for three years. Hence to see many people who are not even Christians coming to celebrate the birthday of our savior in the church is a clear sign that the seed of Christian faith which is being planted is about to germinate.

After being asked by Fr. Ernesto during the homily why they came to church, it was interesting to hear people respond saying, “It is a great feast of the birthday of Jesus, born of the Virgin Mary.”

The main celebrant, during the homily, noted that the Good News about the birth of Jesus Christ was communicated first to the shepherds by the Angel of the Lord who in their turn immediately went to see the child Jesus. The Mongolians who are nomads, hearing this, were filled with wonder and amazement to see how God had highly honored shepherds, the category of which they belonged as nomads. They ended the Mass feeling that God’s message had a meaning to them.

After the Mass the community gathered again for a cup of tea and later they dispersed

Ultima modifica il Sabato, 07 Febbraio 2015 21:34

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