Wazee hukumbuka (The Elderly recall…)

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono

Where have we come from? Who has come before us and what were the events and people that influenced them? What are the forces that make us who and what we are today? Complex questions and for many people, myself included, incredibly important questions to be answered. All lies in history! Yes our own journey this far.

Recently seated in the TV room of our regional house in Yeokgok, Fr. Tamrat the regional superior (RAS 1), Fr. Giovanni Paolo (RAS 120% as he is referred to) and I came across some old albums. We went through albums and albums of photos. Many of them were black and white – images of missionaries and events of our mission here in South Korea.  We came across photos of the four pioneer missionaries, fathers: Luiz, Paco, Alvaro and Diego.  I also saw images of the seminarians. Some of them are now Consolata missionary priests, especially the two currently working here. This is fr. Han Martino and Fr. Han Pedro. Fr. Tamrat helped me identify the image of Fr. Joseph Otieno, who passed on at the age of 32 while here in this same mission.  I could also figure images of the then young Consolata friends and volunteers who are now advanced in age and some have got grown up grandchildren. We got many images but we don’t have the stories – the context – the richness of the many people and events and exactly what made them the way they were. For sure, history has been built from humble beginnings to what we are and have now. Thanks to all these great heroes and heroines who have contributed directly to this great history.

I suspect that many of you reading this may have had a similar experience as mine – holding an old photo and wondering who was this person, what was important to them, how did they live and if their life had meaning? How does this affect me?

Oh! Did I lose sight of what I was to talk about? No! Today as we celebrate 120 years of our missionary institute, our mission in South Korea adds 33 good years to this long history. Since the year 1988 January 20, the Consolata missionaries give continuation to Blessed Joseph Allamano’s dream that began in 1901 with the first mission being Kenya. I also recall to have been part of this missionary history since the year 2006 when I began basic formation in Nairobi Kenya. What about you? When exactly did you know about the Consolata missionaries? How are you contributing positively to the history in the making? As Consolata missionaries, we’ve been on a journey to answer some of these questions about our own past and the people that made up our legacy and heritage.

In these 120 years, we have made the message of consolation a reality in many parts of the world. Missio ad gentes has been experienced thanks to tireless works, efforts and good will of the many Consolata missionaries including those who have gone before us.  We are known by far and wide. Just to crack a joke here. Sometime back when Fr. Lourenço was going to Kenya to study English, he was worried about who could pick him from the airport to our regional house in Nairobi. To Lourenço’s consolation I just told him, “once you are at the Jomo Kenyatta international airport, take any taxi and inform the driver to drop you at the Consolata Shrine in Westlands”. This is exactly what Lourenço did and he was in our regional house in Nairobi without any difficult.

Today we celebrate a history made up of missionaries, small and great. Missionaries of the gospel who worked hard in unknown lands as catechists and educators of generations in our missions, teachers of prayers and spirituality, consolers of the sick, who journeyed with the people in good and in difficult times… they did not spare any effort in their daily tasks having in mind and at heart only the desire that all men and women could be safe and consoled. We celebrate their very love of God for humanity manifested in the life and action of simple missionaries, welcoming and generous fathers and brothers committed to a ministry of tenderness and consolation through hard work love and prayer.

It is now 120 years! When we look back, we can see it has been a long journey, where Consolata missionaries were and still are instruments in the hands of our Lord and being sent to bring the Good News to the people in various parts of the world.  We thank God for the gift of all the Consolata missionaries. At the same time we ask God to continue empowering them because the work is not over yet; there is still a lot to be done.  Just as John Cardinal Njue, the archbishop Emeritus of Nairobi archdiocese in Kenya, says “We are coming from far, we are far and we still have a long way to go”.

Hsinpu Community (Taiwan)

The new Community of the Asia Region in Hsinpu (Taiwan): Fr. Mathews Odhiambo Owuor (R), Fr. Emmanuel Barnabas Temu (L).

Biennium about the person

Yes, we still have a long way to go. It is for this reason that the Superior General and his council call to our mind the beginning of some special journey for two years. This is none other than the Biennium on the person of the missionary. The goal of the Biennium is to help us make a leap in quality, to resume the path of our life with more tremendous enthusiasm, aware of our frailties and weaknesses, but also supported by fraternal help and above all animated by the conviction that “We can do everything in Christ who gives us strength!”. The Biennium therefore serves as an authentic “on-going formation” for each Consolata missionary. we are all  invited to live this time intensely by journeying as faithful pilgrims eager to encounter the One who is the sole meaning of our life, and in whose name, we serve our brothers and sisters in the whole world with joy.

In his message addressed to all missionaries for the occasion of the 120 years of our missionary foundation, Fr. Stefano Camerlengo, links the feast with the beginning of the Biennium about the person of the missionary. He clearly reminds each missionary of the need to rediscover the sense of belonging to the Institute, the values of our family and the sense of identification with the Charism. He also emphasized on the value of community life and the best way to go by it.

 With all these in mind, we the missionaries working here in South Korea met at Yeokgok to celebrate these two great events. The day was marked by a Eucharistic celebration presided by the regional superior Fr. Tamrat.  The liturgy was well animated with joy, prayer and thanksgiving. During the homily Fr. Tamrat reminded us of what the founder always insisted that “Let us start re-running the road of our sanctification, under the eyes of our most blessed Consolata”. It is exactly for this reason that at the beginning of the mass, we had a procession of the icon of our Founder and that of Lady and they we put before the altar. They are our two pillars that lead us through this Biennium.

In a special way, during the homily, we did a short sharing based on the reflection materials prepared for this month on the Biennium about the person of the missionary. With each missionary reading part of the text, emphasis was given on the most important elements that touch our life as Consolata missionaries. During the prayer of the faithful, we expressed our unity in diversity by praying for various intentions in our different languages. Before the final blessing, we also prayed together the prayer for the Biennium.

Fr. Tamrat, the regional superior, encouraging all the missionaries working here in South Korea emphasized the need to listen to each self and look at things with a new perspective.  He further noted that based on the topic “Adam where are you?” Adam should instead be replaced by each missionary’s name. For example, “Diego where are you?” This helps each one understand where he is, who he is as well as accepting and loving oneself. Adding to this, fr. Tamrat remarked that there is need for discernment especially when our existential conditions disturb our peace and serenity, and we do not have prefabricated solutions available. He concluded by saying that despite our disorientations, we should always listen to the Lord’s voice that says “courage I am sending you again to walk the streets of this world that I love!”

After mass, we had to celebrate sharing some good lunch prepared by our loving cook, Teresa, who helps in the Yeokgok community. Later on, we had we had to share some piece of delicious cake to mark the occasion.

Message from Fr. James Lengarin

Addressing the missionaries working in South Korea for the occasion of the foundation feast, Fr. James Lengarin, the Asian Continental councillor had the following to say.

“Dear confreres,

With great joy, I virtually embrace each of you in these twofold celebrations-the 120 years of our Institutes’ Foundation and the Biennium's inauguration on the person.

As we laud, praise and thank the Lord for the 120 years of our religious family, my mind and heart scan the memories of those years, remembering the hard work and sleepless nights Our Founder had in midwifing this family. I cannot forget the many people who offered in kind and person to help build our family, the many already deceased great pioneers, the dedicated missionaries in Africa's forests promoting humanity and sharing the Word of God. They laid the basis of our family and put us on the map of the world as we are today. They were men and women of great faith who had only one purpose in life, “make them men and women first and after Christians.” Let us honour them in the best way we can. Praise and thanks to you, almighty God for this beautiful family made of your image and likeness.

I also hail the pioneers of our Asian presence who are also among us today. On 18 January 1988, our first four missionaries set their feet in the holy land of South Korea. They tasted what it means ploughing the ground! Thanks, brothers and we ask you to continue sowing with us for the harvest is abundant, and it will only rest in the Lord.

These 120 years have seen our family growing and expanding in all the parts of the world. That small seed has sprouted and expanded, and it is now a mature tree. Its maturity calls for some care. It is for this reason that we inaugurate the Biennium on the person. Each of us is called upon to take in his hands the Word of God and read it. Reflect on it, discern with it and let the Lord Jesus be the Centre of our lives.  We need to renew ourselves humanly and spiritually. Therefore, let us welcome these two years and follow the proposed reflections of every month to enrich ourselves to enrich others.

May Our Mother Consolata and Blessed Allamano intercede for each of you in your daily missionary-disciple services.”

And this is exactly how we celebrated the 120 Years of our Institutes’ Foundation and the Biennium's inauguration on the person. As Fr. Pedro Louro, the General Secretary would say, “a luta continua!”

Altro in questa categoria: PASTORAL LETTER: Human Trafficking »

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