Pubblicato in I missionari dicono

From 30th September to 5th October, we, the DSA delegation confreres had our annual retreat held on the grounds of St. Padre Pio Retreat Centre in Pretoria, at the outcasts of the main city. This centre has, of the recent, undergone a great change since the new Capuchin Friars took over less than a year ago. This is on the basis of the physical features. The natural beauty of the fauna makes one appreciate nature in the spiritual sense, apart from the same nature providing fresh air, musical noise of birds and this beautiful fish pond that harmonises the swinging of the trees with the swimming of the golden and yellow coloured fish in the pond.

This centre, belonging to the Capuchin Friars has all the features of a sober environment for spiritual exercises. Thus, we entered into this 'Garden of Eden' ready to have a moment of silence and reflections, prayers, Holy Mass Celebrations, and a little 'rest' from the noise of the world of Mission.

The preacher of the Week was Fr. Antonio Rovelli our General Councillor in Charge of Europe and Asia. It was evident that Fr. Antonio Rovelli felt right back home in the continent of Africa, where he had served for ten years in the Mission of Uganda. 

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The Reflections were always based on the biblical figures like Abraham, Jacob, Timothy, Matthew, Paul and Barnabas, the 'Prodigal Son' – the parable of the merciful father... etc...

The reflections were focused on the relation of the above figures of the Bible vis a vis their calling, their mission, their relationship with God, and in absolute comparison with our calling, our mission, our relationship with God and one another... and the role of Mary the Mother of Consolation in our mission etc.

We can attest that the whole week was one which was filled with fraternal friendship and brotherhood. We can also attest to the spiritual nourishment, communal and individual growth and motivation as we went back to our missionary and priestly duties.

We felt united together with the other missionaries who are having their holidays now, namely; Fr. James Githinji our Delegate Superior, Fr. Gabriel Kwedho and Fr. Simon Mbala. We were also Present in the prayer and communion with the Seminary Community lead by their Rector Fr. Fredrick Agalo.

On the last evening of our spiritual exercise, we had a great moment of communal sharing, which was based on knowing one another. This was more important to Fr. Antonio Rovelli since he knew very little about the missionaries working here in DSA.

Fr. Antonio shared also updated us on the current reality of our congregation, updated us on general matters, encouraged us, and answered to particular questions that we felt of interest to us.

We can confirm that we went back to our missions more at peace, spiritually nourished and encouraged. We are thankful for that blessed time, and the work of our Delegation Council lead by Fr. Rocco (Vice Delegate Superior), Fr. Daniel Kivuwa – Councillor for making sure that all went well. We appreciate the Capuchin Community in the Retreat Centre too for providing such a divine-like environment for us... Coraggio and Avanti in our Missionary endeavours...

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