The Sisters of Mary Immaculate of Nyeri.

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono

The Sisters of Mary Immaculate of Nyeri (SMI) (Kenya), were founded by Mgr Filippo Perlo, a Consolata Missionary on 24th October 1918. It was the first local congregation to be founded in Kenya and the second in East Africa: Banabikira in Uganda. They were founded to help in the evangelization of the local Church. Their Charism is: Sharing the Love of God in purity of heart through the ministries with passion and compassion.

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Since then, the Congregation has grown with almost 420 members. They also joined the universal Church as they moved out of their region of foundation to others dioceses within Kenya and outside. The have missions in USA, Uganda, Tanzania and recently they have opened two missions Italy.

From October 2017 they opened a Centenary-preparation-year in which they have been animating the Local Church and in different missions where they are working in the world, informing Christians who they are and what they do as Sisters of Mary Immaculate. For this, they have been composing songs, dances, poems, and re-writing their history through the experiences and the testimonies of many sisters and all those people who have been working with them. Many masses, meetings and reflections have been held as they prepare to celebrate 100yrs since they were founded.

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In Italy, three Sisters started their first missionary experience on 9th September 2014 and settled for 3 years in a parish called Guardialfiera in the Diocese of Termoli-Larino in the Provence of Campobasso. The Local Ordinary, saw a greater pastoral need and in December 2017, he transferred them in a parish called San Giuliano Martire in San Giuliano di Puglia. Another second mission, still in the same diocese was opened in June 2017 in a parish called Ss. Pietro e Paulo and was assigned to three sisters too. They were well accepted by the Local people and the effects of their apostolate have started been felt. Many people have started to come back to the Church. The Sisters are doing everything possible to learn the Italian language and culture.

On 6th October the two communities of Sisters together with the Local Ordinary, the priests, the Christians and some Consolata Missionaries joined the SMI- Italy to celebrate their colourful celebration of Centenary. The actual feast day will be held in their Generalate in Mathari, Kenya on 24th October 2018. Let us accompany them with our prayers.

Altro in questa categoria: Paulo VI e Óscar Romero »

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