Loiyangalani, counting God’s graces

Pubblicato in I missionari dicono

Two days in two different months remain significant in the lives of the parishioners of Mary, Star of the Sea, Loiyangalani Parish, Marsabit Diocese.

First was the 26th August 2018. On this day, Loiyangalani welcomed all the Catholic women of Marsabit Diocese. They came in big numbers! This big day was graced by the Very Rev. Fr. Racho Ibrahim, Vicar General of Marsabit Diocese. In his homily, inspired by the life of Saint Monica, the patron saint of the Catholic Women Association (CWA), he insisted on the faithful to reflect on how the Lord had been good in their lives. Hence, urging them always to be faithful to the Lord. During the Mass, 63 new members took their oath while the older ones renewed theirs.

It is good to know that since Loiyangalani is 220 km from Marsabit town, which is the seat of the Marsabit County, and the neighboring parishes, both North Hor and South Hor parishes are both 98 km away and Kargi Parish 150 km, that far, it meant that most of the CWA members had to start their journey 24 hours before the big celebration and leave a day after. Therefore, apart from the Eucharistic celebration and other Church based activities that featured in their program, the members of CWA had also the golden opportunity to tour around Loiyangalani town which borders Lake Turkana to the west.

Second was 9th September 2018. On this day, the Bishop of Marsabit Diocese, Rt. Rev. Peter Kihara Kariuki, imc, was in Loiyangalani Parish for both pastoral and administrative issues. The Bishop conferred the Sacrament of Confirmation to 41 Christians, 31 youth and 10 adults. Out of these, were 12 Christians from El Molo bay, the smallest tribe in Kenya.

In his homily, he insisted on the gifts of the Holy Spirit which work in a very mysterious way that goes beyond our faculty of reasoning.

It was in this Eucharistic celebration that the Bishop also installed Fr. Martin Oluoch, imc as the new Parish Priest of Mary, Star of the Sea Loiyangalani Parish. Until then, the parish had as Parish Priest Fr. Stephen Mutuku, imc, who will be heading to Mombasa Diocese.  

Those who graced the occasion were also the Consolata Missionary leadership of Kenya-Uganda Region, Fr Matthew Magaka, imc, the Vice Regional Superior and Br. Clarence Lukungu, imc the Regional Administrator and Councilor.

Loiyangalani town is known for hosting the annual cultural festivals in the sixth month of every year. Since this event is usually packed by rich cultural and traditional presentations, it usually attracts many tourists local and international. But this time round, Loiyangalani town welcomed a vast number of Catholic faithful especially women, the Bishop and the new Parish Priest, not for cultural and traditional celebrations, rather for spiritual purpose.

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