XIII General Chapter : Weekly Brief News

Pubblicato in XIII Capitolo Generale
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Since May 22, the Consolata missionaries have begun their thirteenth General Chapter in Rome, in their General House, located two minutes walk from St. Peter's Square and will officially end on June 20, patronal feast of Our Lady of Consolata. The main objective of this chapter is to revitalize and restructure the congregation for the better qualification of the mission. The chapter is composed of delegates from diverses continents, countries from origin, representing several regions and delegations where the Consolata missionaries are working.

From the preceding, Father Stefano Camerlengo, Father General, welcoming the chapter delegates, reminded everyone that the general chapter is «  firstly a special moment in the life of the Consolata missionary family and then, in the whole church. This is an opportunity for the awareness of the situation as a whole; an evaluation of our way of being and to live the mission 'ad gentes' and to provide energy to offer ourselves to mission, which is the heart of our life as missionaries. »

In addition, the general father stood firm about the consecration of the Consolata missionaries to God for the mission. Quoting the founder of the congregation, Blessed Joseph Allamano, the general father finally reminded the capitularies that "the Consolata missionaries are consecrated for mission for the whole life".

The first day, rich in messages and invitations to the sources: Jesus Christ and the charisma, was concluded by a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Secretary of Vatican State. During his homily, the cardinal Pietro recalled all the capitularies that revitalizing and restructuring the congregation is an invitation to keep on testifying Jesus among sisters and brothers in the world. In other words, it’s simply the call to be Jesus Christ’s witnesses.

The next day, May 23, it was extremely exhilarating to wecome Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagler, Cardinal of Manila and President of Caritas International. In his talk, the Cardinal brushed up some missionary methods of Paul and Barnabas. He gave capitularies a brief outline of James Krueger’s principles, of which insisting on prayer, sacrifice spirit and fasting as some of the primary means to respond to the needs of the mission. Thus, the second day ended with a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagler.

The other days were firstly marked by the presentation of Fr. Stefano Camerlengo’s report upon the six years of service on the line of the five points as orientation given from the previous chapter general.  Besides, on may 25 and 26, the consolata sisters capitularies joined the fathers capitularies for convention upon blessed Irene Stefani (a Consolata sister) in the Consolata fathers General House. The first week was lastly concluded by the report of Fr. Rinaldo Cogliati, general administrator, on the ‘health’ of the congregation, pointing out some relevant cases. On June 5, the Consolata sisters and fathers will have a private audience with Pope Francis.

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